Chapter 20 - Four SEALs and a family

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My eyes landed on the empty thee cup and I couldn’t help but smile before I made the motion of standing up. Finally something to do!

“Here, I’ll take that for you. Just relax love.” Declan said as he swooped in, removing the cup out of sight before I could finish getting up. I blinked and blinked again before letting out a disgruntled sigh as I dropped myself with a huff.

He’s been doing this the past few days, even before I had been released from the hospital. I’m surprised he has actually allowed me to feed myself! I glared at the flashing screen, unconsciously knowing that I was just irritated because there was nothing to do for me.

I caught a glance of Josh’s amused smirk and shot him a glare before laying back and closing my eyes, rubbing over my temples. Wasn’t there anything I could do without being babied for it? I might have a cast around my arm and sure, I had some bruises but I wasn’t an invalid!

Sam had taken over the kitchen and had provided everyone with the food they needed, Laura had tried to do as much of the household as possible and dragged Davy with her while I sat here doing nothing.

Closing my eyes, I simply gave up to try and do something around here. Either one of the guys became a little tattletale and went to Declan, or the man himself made sure that I didn’t even twitch a finger without his consent.

Not only that, but even our relationship seemed to be put on a soft burn. Whenever I initiated a kiss in the hopes of making out, I only got a small peck, a caress over my back and a cuddle for my efforts.

“It’s called sexually frustrated brother dearest. Now you know how Josh feels like whenever I tease him.” Davy had teased me after I was left hot, bothered and frustrated when Declan went back to the kitchen after my nth failed attempt.

I had replied by flipping him off, crossing my arms as I pouted like a little kid.

The soft clinking of dishes being set down made me open my eyes again. Declan was setting my dinner down, his brown hair a tussled mess but I avoided his gaze and instead looked at the screen.

I could feel his eyes on me but I clenched my jaw, watching the screen mindlessly. Not only was I bored out of my mind, I was forced to sit in this seat all day until it was time to sleep, and then I was guided back upstairs to our bed. I was surprised I was even allowed to pee on my own.

The Commander's Legacy - MxMOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant