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29th October. Finally it's the day and I'm so happy. It's the really time when I celebrate something not by being physically present but alsobeing  mentally there. Oh how silly me why again i'm talking about past. I'm not going to show any tears today after all it's a special day today. Any guesses what's today? Yes, your guess is right I'm talking about my crazy and stupid cousin's birthday which is today.

It was very hard to keep it surprise when our whole mission of being here in Mauritius was our birthday but because we have my cool friends we can do anything. None of us had wish Nick today and we ignore him most of the time.  Though it was impossible because he keeps on bugging us, like if we forget something special which is today but we all just shrug and said no. We all ignore him which makes him grumpy. Aww my poor Nicky.

We are planning asurprise party for him which is really difficult when he is around. So we all have divided every work with each other so that we can make it on time. We are sitting inRyan's room where Nick can't find us, it's out of his league, we don't want himto find about our planning anything. 

"Everyone knows right what they have to do right?" Rose asks us for the hundredth time which makes us groan

Bella and Jan are taking Nick outside for surfing which makes him less grumpy and after that they are going to have dinner together. Rose and I decided to prepare food for party and also cake. Nicky always loves fruit cake so we decided to bake it, did I mention you how awesome I and Rose are at baking. Ryan and Sam are buying stuffs but they don't mention it what they are buying, very suspicious ha, yes I'm I can't help it, old habit dies hard. While Carson, Emma and Noah are going to buy stuffs for decoration, god knows what is going in their mind, hope they don't mess it. I thought Carson will go with his buddies but he said he want to help girls because according to him they can't carry heavy stuffs by themselves. Weird right, I thought same.

 "Yes ma'am we all understood. So will you excuse us so that we can do our part" Carson said irritated to Bella

"Guys stop acting like a five year old children will you" This time I was annoyed with their behavior. What's wrong with them today?

Ryan gave me pleading look and mouth sorry to me and drags Carson out of room with him followed by Jan and Sam.

They almost gave me headache today. I want to smash their head on the wall. They are pain in the ass type of people.

"Let's execute our plan" Emma said sensing the tension

"Yes" we all shouted together


Nick's P.O.V:

In morning I was so happy but know I want to kill someone. I thought my Princess will wish me, I know Bella doesn't know much about me and I am not expecting much from guys but man I was so wrong. They are behaving weird today and my guts feelings told me that they all are planning something but I don't know what. I want to find it but I have no choice all thanks to my stubborn girl so here I'm hanging out with my girlfriend and my buddy. When Bella said she is taking me outside I thought she has planned something special for me but again I was wrong. Jan is the one who is third wheel here but no one knows about our relationship because we kept it secret from all. So when they bring me here for surfing I was so excited because it's a longtime since I have done it. Last time when I didsurfing was before that incident after that we stop hanging together anddecided to go in different directions. Surfing has lot of memories that's why Istop going to surf. We enjoyed lot here.


After surfing Jan suggest that we should eat first before returning to home and today he was really behaving different from usual because he keeps on checking messages on his phone. Guess what I hate silent Jan. He and I ordered our food while Bella decided to save seat for us.

"Jan what's wrong" I finally ask him

He glance up from his phone and meet my gaze "Nothing" he reply. His expressions are blank so it's impossible for me read his face

"See I know you something is going on that's why you and no you all are acting strangely" I said looking between Bella and Jan

"Oh Nick there's nothing you're watching too much movies these days. Stop acting like detective. Okay will you" Bella says nervously

"Yup man. She is right. As I already said that there's nothing. So stop worrying and....... Oh our number is called. I'm going to pick our food" he stands and walks towards counter

"Okay as you both say so" I said and walks towards counter to help Jan

We eat in awkward silence and I pay the bill. Jan and Bella keeps on insisting that we should split the bill but I said I will take care of that and they don't have to worry which stops them for further arguing. 

"Jan STOP the car" Bella shout from the back seat which make Jan to hit the brakes of the car and I hit the dashboard

I rub my forehead "What the hell dude" I said groaning

"Sorry man. She shouts which scares me and I hit the brakes little fast" he said apologetically

"What Bella" I ask her

"Guys I want to eat ice cream" she says with pleading eyes

I roll my eyes "You shouldn't have to just shoutlike that. What if we meet with an accident. All you just have to say it insimple worlds"

Bella and Jan were having an eye communication I can sense it, they were just staring at each other which makes me jealous

Looks like I have to purpose her soon before she fell for other men. I think I know what the right time is. It's perfect I will purpose her today no matter what happen I will do that

"Okay you can have but only one" I said smiling which makes her happy

"Thank you thank you Nick" she opens her door and jump from the back seat

i can do anything which makes my girl happy


What's goin on between Carson and Rose?

How Nick is going to like surprise? 

What's going to be his reaction?

How he will Propose Bella?

And what happened between Kat and Ryan?

Why she is ignoring him?

Hey guys Did you like Nick's P.O.V. I was really excited to write from his point of view. If you like it let me know because i'm going to add more P.O.V's of different characters. 

I really want to apologize you all from my bottom of my heart for not posting on time. Sorry guys it took me long to post new chapter. I was busy these past days but i'm doing my best to update new chapters soon.

 I haven't writeen next chapter but i will give you small teaser that what is in next chapter and i'm sure you will like it but what will we fun if i gave you what is next. HAHAHAHAHA. Evil much right sorry can't help i'm like this way.

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