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We are in the college "Remind me gain why I'm still friends with you guys" I greeted my teeth together in annoyance

"Because you love us" Bella proudly smile, I roll my eyes on them

"You have to do this.. There's no backing off. If you back off then you have to become servant of ours" Emma said with straight face

"And don't forget the prize 'A beautiful tour to France'. And loser will have to pay bills for whole 1 year. You have time only till prom" Bella repeat the rules

"But how can I make him fall for me. He is not little bit my type. I mean he is a total player. He hasn't fallen for anyone" I state facts

"That's in the past. We have to change it. Just show him real you" Noah said evily

"Okay let's assume that he is fallen for me but then what?" my eyes travel on their face

"You have to break his heart like he has done with other girls" Emma has blankness in her eyes

I'm so nervous right now that I will pee in my pants and there he is with friends walking like king and flirting with girls like a pro, how I will make that happen in frustration I mind slap myself

I was putting my phone in back pocket and next thing I knew, I ran into someone hitting hard my head against hard chest and dropping my books on floor

"Shit.. I'm sorry. You Okay?"

Then I hear his voice, I heart started to run fast and my head leaned up to meet most beautiful grey eyes that belong to none other than Bad Boy. Then I notice he was waiting for my answer which I haven't spoken, I swallowed hard "Yeah" I nodded

He gave me his Killer smile that show his perfect teeth as he picked my books up with his and offer me his hand to help me up off the floor, I look at his hand and his face unsure of to accept it or not, biting my lip a bit my stretch my hand to accept his help and feel weird sensation in my stomach as he pulled me back up from the floor

We were close to each other so I take one step backwards "Thank You"

He smiled and nods "Yeah. I think you should more watch where you go..." I thought he was giving warning for last time but he spoke again "but it's pleasure to run again in such a beauty" I blush, the bell rang bringing us from heaven

"By the way I'm Ryan" he offer his hand to shake

"Kat" I smile and shake his hand "Hmm..My books..." I gesture towards his hand

"Oh Right..." he hands them back to me and my fingers brushed against his sending electricity through me

"Thanks again Ryan" I tuck loose hairs behind my ear and made my way to my first class

Ryan's P.O.V:

I'm waiting in the parking lot with my friends, I don't know how to ask her out so, in morning when I bump in her, I exchange her book with mine. And here I'm waiting for her to come and take it back.

"Kat over here" I wave her to come

"Hey" she said

"Hey Kitten" I greet her

Carson nudges me "Introduce us with her" he whispers in my ear

"This is Sam, Jansen and Carson and guys this is Kataline" I introduce them to her

"Hey" they said in union

"Actually it's Kat" she corrects me which made me to roll my eyes "Girls as you all know he is Ryan and Ryan these are my friends---" Emma cuts her

"Best friends" she says

"Yeah same. So this is Noah, Bella and Emma"

"Hey girls" I give them my famous smirk

"My book" She demands

I pretend to think about it "How about you all come with us to eat then I will think about it" I suggest

She pause, her expression are priceless and before she can respond her friends agree to go

We are now in Starbucks and after ordering we sit on nearest table and spot Jansen and that red hair chick, what's her name was yeah Noah, were talking in hushed voice

"How are Mary and Jack are doing?" Jansen ask her

"They are good and what about yours?"

"Pain in the ass" he says seriously which made her laugh

Okay now I really want to know how they know each other

"So do you know each other" I ask them

"Yeah her parents and my are best friends" He reply

Oh so that's how Jan knows Noah and her friends

I sigh in relief

"So Kat, are you coming to today's party" he ask her

"Nah, I will pass it. They are not my type" she says simply, I grim at her

We eat in complete silence and I drop her home. She opened her door to go out but I clear my throat to grab her attention "Hmm Kat" which makes her stop and she turns to faces me

"Would you like to hangout tomorrow" I ask her in hope

Why I can't say let's go on date

She bites her lips thinking "Sure" she replied and quickly runs in her building which brings smile on my face

Stop grinning you idiot

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