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My phone started ringing checking the caller id I receive the call

"Hey Princess "My brother greeted me

"Hello brother" I greeted back with smile

"So how was your first day of college" He asked

"Good I guess" I answered

"Looks like someone is in not good mood today" He said playfully and I can imagine him smirking on phone

"Yup you can say that" I replied

"Ok what's the matter baby girl" He ask

It's always amaze me how well he know me and by talking he can guess what's causes my mood swings

"Actually today the guy from my college is throwing a party at Frat House and all are invited. My friends are forcing me to come but I don't want to go" I answered honestly

"You know you should sometimes ditch your stupid schedule for having fun......" jokingly he said and suddenly his tone become serious" I know how tight your schedule is but promised me that you will forget the past and going to enjoy your life like before. I think you should go and yeah it's your senior year you enjoy it." He said "Promise me you are going to have fun" he said softly

"Promise brother.............I'm going to enjoy my life" I said sighing with a small smile on my face

"Good. Now I want you to know that I have paid your fees and transferred the money in your bank account and no you are going to give any bullshit excuses or reasons you are going to accept that whether you like it or not" He said

"You know na that I'm capable of paying my own expenses" I stated the fact

"I know that Princess but I love to spend money on you after all you are my baby girl" he said chuckling

"Ok brothers it's time for me get going otherwise girls are going to stab me" I said jokingly

"Ok bye princess. Love you lots be safe and yeah no funny business and don't accept any drinks from stranger and be sober ok" he said with his big brother tone

"Love you too brother take care bye and yeah thanks for advice" I said hanging up my phone

"Hey it's time to get ready" Emma said while entering in my room without knocking and soon rest of them joins us in my room

"Okay now what we are going to wear" Bella asked

"I know what we all are going to wear I have already selected our outfits for today" Noah answered while exiting my room

Noah has great taste in fashion and always up-to-date. She wants to become a successful fashion designer and wants to own her own boutique. So she is the one who always decide what we all are going to wear. We are her Barbie dolls whom she loves to dress up

Soon she entered with four shopping bags in her hand. "We are going to wear this tonight" she handed each bag to us

Man she's totally prepared for tonight

"Now girls Bella and i are going to do our makeup and Emma and Kat will do hairs, so let's do our job" she started instructing us

Soon we started doing our work on each other.

"Now it's time to slip in your dress girls, and yeah you are not allowed to sneak peak" Noah said excitedly

We all change into our dresses

"Wow man........we all are looking like divas......I can't " Noah said with tears in her eyes

"Okay now its photo time, one by one we are going to take picture of my masterpiece and don't you dare to spoil it. Understand" she said and we mumbled yes

Then one by one Bella click our pictures and then we take a group selfies

Ok I'm really impressed by her skills she has a really good talent our dresses are really fabulous "Oh my gosh....I love it" I said happily, others agreed with me and she gives her famous told-you-so-look to us

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