𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮 ➳ I really like your face

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The next morning, I told Celsia to prepare a more comfortable dress for me to move around. Today was my first day of lesson. Since my birthday is right around the corner, father decided to let me focus on etiquette and dancing lessons.

For this morning, my teacher in etiquette will be teaching about greeting and posture. While in the afternoon, it will be all about the basic steps. After changing into a comfortable dress, I headed to the parlor where my etiquette teacher is waiting.

I actually had no qualms regarding my posture for I had been trained right down to the bone in my previous life. Being a model requires good posture and elegance. So, I had to train my body to exhaustion to catch up to my fellow trainees. I'm really glad that I did.

Standing in front of the door, I took a deep breath before letting Ageon open the door for me. I straightened my back and kept my head up as I walked gracefully towards the red-haired woman sitting on a table near the window with a smile and a calm look.

I tilted my head down as if nodding and held out my skirt on both sides while putting my foot behind the other and bending my knees. "Greetings to Marchioness Astley." After greeting her, I immediately straightened my back and flashed her an amicable smile.

The Marchioness stared at me with her green hawk-like eyes, scrutinizing my every move with a stern look. After a few minutes, she curtseyed and greeted me back with a smile. "Greetings to Young Miss. Please come and sit with me."

I sat down on the chair opposite hers as I maintained my posture and smile. A look of astonishment flashed before the marchioness' eyes. "It seems that Young Miss is already good despite the rumors I've heard. Do you really still need my teaching? I see no error in your greeting right now."

Oh? An honest one. I let out a small chuckle as a hand covered my mouth. "You flatter me, Marchioness. I'm simply performing what I learned."

"My, no need to be so humble, and you can call me Berenice, young miss." I let out a smile. "Then Lady Berenice, please call me Amarizi."

She smiled in response. "Well, then, Lady Amarizi. Since I see no use of teaching you about posture, should we start learning about etiquette then?" I bobbed my head up and down and smiled.

The rest of the morning was dedicated to etiquette, starting from greeting up to socializing. Lady Berenice explained to me that while being blunt is nice, the nobles preferred to play with their words. In short, they like to beat around the bush. Nobles and their damn mind games.

The lesson ended until past 10 in the morning. Lady Berenice bade her goodbye as I saw her off to the gate. I made my way to the dining hall, sitting down on my assigned seat as I waited for my parents to come. Not long after, my mother arrived first followed by my father.

We had a quick meal and short conversation for we are quite busy these days. After the meal, I headed to the kitchen and grabbed the two big baskets on the table, only to be scolded by Celsia as Ageon took the baskets. "Thank you, Sir Ernon, for troubling you with my request."

He let out a hearty laugh. "Anything for the young miss." I let out a smile before leaving the kitchen and making my way towards the ballroom. I still had 2 hours before my next lesson starts. I turned around to face Celsia and Ageon who was following behind me quietly.

"Sia, I'm going to take a look at the preparation. You can stay here with Sir Mades." She shook her head. "No, I'll go with miss." I glanced at him. Before I could voice my words, he opened his mouth. "I'll also go with you, my lady."

I nodded my head as we proceeded to the ballroom. The servants were busy cleaning the huge hall. They were even repainting the walls and scrubbing the floors until it glimmer brightly. They were too busy to notice and greet me and I didn't mind. I didn't want to disturb them after all.

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