𝓣𝔀𝓸 ➳ Who said money can't solve problems?

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"Haa..." These past few days were really hectic. I found out that I'm the villainess of an otome game that I don't have much recollection of, and my mother fainted for god-knows-what. Well, I kind of have a clue but I don't want to say it out loud.

Ever since that day, people had been looking at me like I'd just grown two heads. They would always act really strange whenever I smiled and greeted at them—they would either turn ghastly pale or full blown bawling out. Geez, people. It's not like the world is going to end if I smile and greet fellow humans. Change is constant—and people change!

I knew Amarizi had a shitty personality, but their reactions were beyond my comprehension. As far as Amarizi's memories went, she's only been acting like an arrogant spoiled bitch but she never, ever, hurt another person physically—well, at least not yet. And thank the goddess for that!

Amarizi was proud, stubborn, blunt and had no filter. Her parents spoiled her to no end due to some reasons, barely reprimanding her for every little thing that she did wrong. Soon, that growing pride of hers turned to arrogance; and accompanied by her sharp tongue and insensitiveness, she earned the title of "villainess".

So, basically, her parents played a huge role on turning her into an arrogant spoiled bitch. I understood why her parents always comply to her needs and wants and pardon every wrongs she made, but that didn't excuse them of their poor parenting! If they only did what parents should do, Amarizi might have lived a better life.

Sigh. Well, since I'm her now, might as well change for the better and turn over a new leaf for the sake of my future when I still haven't done irreparable deeds. I covered my face with both of my hands and groaned under my breath, "Ugh, I really hate this shitty luck of mine."

Back in my previous life, I always fantasized about reincarnating into another world as a villainess with a diamond spoon while being surrounded by hot bishies. But experiencing it firsthand, I wanted to curse at my past self for thinking such things though I do still want to be surrounded by hot bishies. I mean who doesn't?

I glanced to my right and stared at the red-haired girl standing beside me peacefully. Noticing my gaze, she turned towards me with a smile. I returned the smile and sipped on my cup of tea before shifting my gaze back to her. "Sia, don't you hate me?"

Celsia's smile stiffened as her eyes blinked rapidly before letting out a sigh. "If I say I don't, I would be lying to you, Miss. I'd rather face your wrath than lie to you." Hearing that, I couldn't help but chuckle, though I felt ny heart sank a little hearing it directly from her. Before I could react, she cut me off, and I almost cried my eyes out when I heard the next words she uttered.

"But it's more like a love-hate kind. Lady Alyn, you might not notice but you are actually compassionate about the things you truly love, though it's often covered up by your...uh..." She glanced at me nervously, reluctant to spout the words. I flashed her a reassuring smile. "Go on. I don't mind."

She nodded and slightly bowed, "Then, pardon me for my rudeness, Miss, but your shitty personality covered it up most of the time." Urk. This girl really has no filter. Amarizi probably got her sharp tongue from this girl.

"Have you ever thought of retiring as my personal maid?" This question has always been lingering in my mind ever since I recalled that Celsia was one of the few people who stick by Amarizi's side despite the constant bullying and harsh words thrown at her.

She bursted into fits of laughter, taking me into a state of confusion. The heck? I'm trying to be serious here. "Why are you laughing?" I asked irritatedly, eyes narrowing slightly. "Pardon my rudeness, Miss. It's just that...Hahahaha...why would you ask such an incredulous question?"

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