𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂-𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 ➳ Harvest Festival

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Me? Engaged? To the first prince...? Now, what the fuck is this nonsense?

"Haha...ha... What are you talking about, Mom? I'm not crazy enough to jump from one prince to another..." I glanced at my mother's awkward smile. "...I see. I'm crazy."

Damn you, Amarizi! You crazy twit! I just want the earth to open up and swallow me whole!

"Argh, Mom! Why didn't you stop me?!" I yelled, ruffling my hair, completely forgoing all proper decorum of a lady. Mother slapped my hand with her fan as I let out a loud yelp.

"Mom-" Before I could even voice out my protest, she already showered me with numerous slaps. "Don't raise your voice at me! Don't you think I already did that? You were the one who was too stubborn to listen!"

"Still–! You should have knocked some sense into me!" The humiliation I felt after hearing it was overwhelming. No wonder, people looked at me as if I was crazy.

Mother let out a loud huff as she settled down on her seat again. "I did. I didn't even know how you could change fancies overnight. You were practically glued to Deltix's side since you were young, and you suddenly clung to Derrin as if he's your lifeline after you–"

She suddenly stopped as her face suddenly turned grim. I plopped down onto my seat as I tried to tame my messy hair. "After what, Mom?" She scoffed as she turned her gaze towards me, lips forming a thin line.

"Alyn, tell me honestly. What did you and Reasmey talk about?" I tilted my head to the side. Why is the name of the queen popping up in our conversation?

"I've never talked to her before...?" I answered carefully. Mother's eyes widened as her lips formed into a sneer. "That bitch..."

I immediately glanced at our surroundings, checking if there was someone who might heard our conversation. After checking that we're completely alone, I let out a sigh of relief. "Mom! You could have gotten us thrown to prison for treason."

She rolled her eyes. "As if you haven't cursed the crown prince regularly." My eyes snapped towards her, eyes widening. "You heard that?"

"Nope, but I can practically see how much you verbally butchered the prince in your mind." I let out a small cough.

"Am I that easy to read?"

"No. I'm your mom, so I can practically read you like an open book. Which brings me to this question," I gulped as I clenched both of my hands together, "What's with the sudden change of heart? Did the crown prince bore you and wear out your fancy?"


"Nonsense. I knew you far too well to change for a simple reason." She really is Phoebe's blessed child. Too quick to pick up on things.

"I don't know, Mom. I just realized I don't like him anymore." She raised an eyebrow at me, still dubious. I shrugged my shoulders, trying to remain calm and nonchalant. After a few minutes of nerve-wracking silence, Mother sighed.

"If you say so. Though whatever reason may it be, I am still glad you no longer obsess over that prince. Maybe, I should offer some offerings to the gods for finally answering my prayers."

"Do you really hate the crown prince that much?" She raised her index finger and waved it from side to side. "Not the prince, but his mother."

She opened her fan and placed it in front of her face, covering her lips. "But I was seriously hoping to become the first prince's mother-in-law."

She glanced at me, her eyes forming into crescent moons. "Now that you don't fancy the crown prince anymore, do I take this as a sign that your fancy towards the first prince has rekindled?"

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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