New info on Shade

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So I have now changed some things for Shade, my Reapertale Oc

She will not be the Goddess of Darkness now

She will now be the Goddess of the Forgotten. Or if you want to make it shorter, The Forgotten Goddess

Now I got that idea from the movie COCO.

In the Movie, When you die you to the land of the Undead right?

But if you get forgotten by all the people that knew you when you were still alive or all people that knew you died and wasn't able to pass down a story of you, you will experience something the people of the undead call "The Third Death"

The first death is the physical one, the death of the body

The second death is more of a natural one; the moment the body is laid to rest in the earth and returned into nature's cycle

The third death is that breached in the film and is the most definitive: the moment the last memory of you fades.

In the movie, the celebration called "Día de Muertos" helps to delay the final death.

So I thought "so who's gonna lead the forgotten ones to wherever their going??-"

So that's when I decided to make Shade the Forgotten Goddess, the Goddess that helps forgotten souls go to the pitch black empty void where the other forgotten souls are-

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