Alphatale Oc (2)

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Name: Scarla

Personality:She's the complete opposite of her older sister, Kind, Intelligent, Caring, a bit Shy and probs has some anxiety problems-

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She's the complete opposite of her older sister, Kind, Intelligent, Caring, a bit Shy and probs has some anxiety problems-

Crush: Alpha! Sans

Head Cannon Voice:


AU Jump:
She has the power to jump to any AU she wants, Parallax also has this, I just forgot to mention it-

Glitched ATK, HP and DEF:
I already explained this in Parallax's chapter Lmao-

Kind Heart:
This power can wipe out all negativity in the enemy's soul as long as the enemy isn't stronger than her

Mind Wipe:
the ability to erase and distort the memory of any person in front of her, making them forget that it existed. She has this in common with Alpha! Sans

Info Teller:
I also already explained this in Parallax's chapter- (sorry I'm to lazy to write more lol-)

This power allows her to borrow a power from a person she knows, while the person that she borrowed powers from well- Nothing happens, the ATK level just decreases. She can only borrow the power for atleast 2 hours (she mostly likes to borrow Parallax's powers since she trusts her more)


- The two bows in her hair were made by Parallax

- The People that know her and Parallax sometimes don't believe that they're sisters

- Parallax is only 9yrs older than her

- unlike Parallax's pic, this pic describes her:

- unlike Parallax's pic, this pic describes her:

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- She loves wandering around AUs

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