The Bad Gals habits-

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Some of these habits are just- straight up is just deadly-

Also warning! Some of these are really touchy subjects so if you don't wanna read that type of stuff, please go to a different chapter or book ÓwÒ

RM's Habit:
She's obsessed with the thrill of getting dangerously close to fire. So at anytime when she feels like it, she'll go outside, Create a fire and dangerously get really close to it. And possibly pour gasoline on herself-

Exe's habit:
Back then she kept cutting her wrists but now since it doesn't inflict any pain anymore, she'll cut any other place on her body and let me tell you- she likes to cut Really deep- she said- quote on quote- "The deeper the cut is, the more pain there is and the chance of dying is higher"-

Fright's Habit:
I already explained it in the last chapter :> but if you still wanna know- She'll go eat close to nothing, at the end of the month she'll start to eat a lot to stop the pain from the starvation, and then erase it by puking it out.

Leah's habit:
Leah likes to try and rip her cat ears or tail out. Those are just stiched in tbh. But the problem is whoever stiched those in, they somehow got to get a vein connected to the Cat ears & Tail to the brain. So if she successfully rips them off, she's gonna die-

Deana's Habit:
She drink A LOT. Which is very concerning- and she holds weapons with her- a drunk person + Weapons = a very bad mix- especially since Deana is just a depressed sociopath-

RS's Habit:
She eats/drinks poison. Most of the time she survives because of well- Black- but once Black is just nowhere, she will try to drink as many poisons as she can-

Tammy's Habit:
She's so obsessed with copying people, she sometimes forgets herself. So what she does is fall down very steep hills so her power (Copying people) can turn off- she doesn't even pay attention if the hill has hñvery sharp rocks or something-

Karma's Habit:
She takes too many pills, ALMOST to the point that she'll overdose and die. She legit has no reason to even eat the pills- she just feels like it-

Black's habit:
oH HO HO- This woman just LOVES to throw herself off of tall buildings, hang herself, Overdose on something, stabbing herself and so many more!- just because she wants to feel that pain- and since because of her curse, she can't really die-

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