Why did they fell into the underground?

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Blue Moon:
To be honest, it was just an accident- she was just on a hike with her friends (They dragged her there lol-) and found the cave, BM accidentally tripped on a vine and fell. See, no sadness-

Teal Ocean:
It's more like why did she go sailing over there- Ofc she was curious if the legend thing was true-

Red Moon:
Y'all might think her reason is sad but nah- She just mostly goes to the mountain to blow off some steam or just to relax. Then she made the same thing BM did- tripped on something and fell-

I don't know why she thought practicing on a mountain that people said no one ever came back from would be a good idea- she was just practicing ballet but she made a wrong step and fell in the hole-

She's really gullible. Some people that didn't like BonBon lead her to the mountain and pushed her down there. Oh well- atleast she has candy there-

I honestly don't know how tf Frisk or Her have gotten up into sPACE-

She was running away from another group of Mafias and she took her chance and jumped into the hole- death is better than paying with her damn body to those fuckers-

I dunno-

Why not?-

She was running away from rapists- she ran into the cave so she can hide. Too bad it was pitch black and she fell into the hole-

She escaped a mental hospital and was trying to out run the guards. Like Mary, she took her chance and jumped into the hole

She was picking up flowers that were near the hole but of course she was careful but someone pushed her

Yellow Sun:
She didn't know why so many people were afraid of the mountain so she climbed up there. She entered the cave but she wasn't aware of her surroundings so she fell-

I absolutely think it's cus' of her hating humanity-

Tbh it's just the same as BM- she just started killing with Dust-

She hated being around the people in the city she was living in. So she just left the city and gone to the mountain. I don't really know if she tripped and fell or she just jumped

Red Sun:
Her reason is also like YS but she called Everyone a chicken for being afraid of the mountain-

Midnight and Gold:
I don't think Dreamtale took place Underground-

She was getting worried about a lot of children not coming back from the mountain so she wanted to find them to make sure they were safe.

She did it for the memes-

She never fell down. She met all the monsters when they were on the surface


She was running away from the police, she came to a dead end which was where the hole was. Butt instead of arresting her like a normal cop, one of them pushed her in-

Was Asylumtale taken place in the Underground or?-

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