My King

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He makes me feel alive even when I feel dead.
He makes me want to live.
He makes me want to try for the better and be the strongest I can even when I feel at my weakest.
He's all I've ever wanted.
He is everything to me and I can't imagine losing him. If I lost him I don't know who I'd be anymore. I'd probably just be a numb corpse that didn't know it's purpose anymore again.

He makes me happy.
He makes me myself.
He lets me be myself, he doesn't try to change me. He needs to stay for me.
I want him to stay.
He's my forever. My eternity. My infinity.

I have never fallen for someone so fast in love.
I really do love him and I want to see him graduating.
I want to see him at the end of the hall when I'm walking down an isle in white.
I want to see the look in his eyes when he looks down at our first child.
He actually makes me want to have children in the future.

I want to spend every second with him that I can.
I want to spend my entire life with him.
I want to be able to call him more than boyfriend one day and come home to him as my husband.
I want to work hard for him.
I want to support all of his dreams making them reality.
I want to help him reach success.

I want to be the one to lift him up when he's down, lift him higher when he's up.
I want to carry all of his weight when he's being crushed by harsh emotion.
I will sacrifice everything for him.
Even my own life if it ever came to that.

I trust him in a way that I've never trusted anyone else and he trusts me.
We have such trust for eachother that nothing can go wrong.
We never fight and it's so different for me coming from so many toxic relationships.
I know even if we did fight we can get through anything together.

His eyes draw me in like a dark, mysterious, and enduring black hole.
But not in a scary way.
In a way that's so kind and gentle that the longer I look into them the more stars I see.
His heart is so pure, his style is so rough.
He hides behind a facade of a tough gangster. Though he's not in a gang, he is tough.
He has been through so much and is so strong and he makes me want to be the strongest I can me.
He reminds me I can get through anything
and that despite my past it's gone.
He reminds me the only thing I can do is change my future for the better despite my hardships.

He brings me true happiness and I think I've finally found that with him being by my side after all of these years in the darkness of depression.
He makes my nightmares and past realities a myth. When I'm with him he's the only one I can focus on. He's the only one that I see.
The only one I can ever see myself with in the long run, for real this time.
He treats me with a respect that I've never known before.
He knows boundaries.
He sets his own boundaries.
He knows how to make me feel better when I'm

He listens when I'm overthinking, when I'm crying. And he doesn't make me feel worthless or pathetic, he hasn't made be feel like that for a single second that we've been dating.
I really think he's the one.
He's the one I want to strive to be with.
He's the one I want to make my husband.
The one I want to explore and adventure with.
The one I want to party with.
The one I want to have children with.
The one that I can see myself dying with when the old age comes to take us.

He encourages me to be myself and loves me for me. And I love him with all my heart, soul, and mind.
He doesn't treat me like an object or a body.
His smile is so warm.
He electrifies me with his touch, words, stare, smile, lips, and in all his love.
I want to give him everything I have because he deserves it.
He deserves to be treated well,
he deserves to be happy, why?
Because he's so special.
He's a gem that I found in the sand of my raging ocean that he's calmed.

He hypes me up,
he comforts me,
he's there for me,
he listens,
he supports me,
he talks,
he does it all.

I'm his queen and he makes me feel so special.
He's my king and knight shining in the most precious armor.
I can't wait to see every precious moment that will come in time with him.
Every memory that we will make and see the years fly by with him because I know it will last years,
a whole lifetime with him even.
I love him so much.

He's my existence.

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