You want my Fragile Heart?

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But, for my heart?
Just continue doing what you're doing.

I adore clingyness so much.
I just love it when you text me more than once when I'm not texting back fast enough.

I love when you rub your nose back and forth against my own while I'm trying to kiss you.

I love random cute paragraphs.

I love when someone gets jealous or defensive over me. For example, if a different girl is looking at you... I would find it cute if I got all kissed up on.
I've never had anyone do that before,
but that would be so cute by being over protective.

I love the cuddles.
I just could cuddle for hours upon hours.

I loved it so much when you were running your hands through my hair,
or whispering those things in my ear.

I love it when I get sung to. As last night you would sing along a line here and there to me.
I just love getting sung to like that.
If you were singing a song to me, and playing with my lips as if you were going to kiss me but aren't.
Give me a little bit of that anticipation.

I just absolutely love knowing that I'm missed and it just makes me feel so special.
Which, I actually really miss you actually.
I absolutely love, I mean love,
hearing about a future with someone.
Like if you were like,

"Oh man! I'm just so excited to have a future together"


"I'm so excited to do everything together"

I would just absolutely die from adorement.
Theres so much more,
but it would take so long to say it all.

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