Heartbreaking Romance

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She fell in love with many,
and each new brought something with them. Something that she had never felt before,
never experienced.

He called her beautiful, she fell in love with him, a love that would never diminish but would have to be put aside many times throughout the years and be off and on. He brought the FaceTimes and the late night talks.

He made her feel better when she was sad, he would listen to her and never made her feel like an idiot. He brought the girl knowledge about much for future relationships.

He gave her the first kiss, in the rain late on a Friday night and cuddled her. He was misunderstood and so was she, and together they were a big misunderstanding.

He held her hand for the first time. He made her feel like she had someone that could be just as goofy as she was. They sat in the top of a treehouse in the dark, looked at the stars, as they sealed the night off with a kiss.

He made her feel special inside, like she didn't need anyone else other than him. Made her feel like everything was going to be okay and that they'd find their way. That texting the right words could grab you easily until you were falling hard.

He made her feel like she was protected, and taught her how to have self confidence as they sat on hay bails with horses strolling around them.

With him she felt the protection and could tell he wasn't the emotional type, but he thought well and took her on dates, took her out, spent time with her, and looked at the clouds at the park on a blanket along the grass.

He made her know what it felt like to explore and have fun even in hard times and even when the feels were getting to you. They ran through the maze of Disneyland as the bright lights upon them flashed as they went from ride to ride.

He made her want everything that he had but that she couldn't get. He made her feel loved, listened to everything she had to say and communicated with her. Even when they were Skyping and playing Minecraft like the dorks that they were together.

She made her feel sparks, made her feel protected like she could never be hurt again, and once she saw the girl dancing in the sprinklers she laughed and then left into the night.

He goofed around with her, made her laugh, and relax once after all of the heartbreak she had undertook that had made her to have grown more serious. She looked into his eyes as she spun on the dance floor in the red dress and thought she couldn't be happier with such light in her life.

And with all she only found romantic memories that would tease her mind when she was alone, and heartbreak.

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