I squeal as humanly possible in such a form at the sound of a playful growl erupting behind me, the heavy thudding of galloping paws chasing after me while I run as fast as my stealthy limbs can take me. Dodging this way and that through the trees and broken stumps, I push myself as fast as possible with one set area in mind although I know Malleus is purposely slowing himself down, content with nipping at the back of my legs on warning but not catching me properly.

Pushing my body just a bit more, I pump my legs since I can smell and hear the difference in the topography, aiming my next few movements perfectly so that Malleus is caught unaware. My tongue pokes out between my teeth once more as the sight comes into view, counting down my seconds, I speed at the last moment before turning my body to the side, throwing myself against the bank of the river and getting a mouthful of mud. It's all definitely worth it as Malleus' eyes go comically wide, his front legs trying to stop himself from going into the water but it's too late due to the high speed he was chasing after me with.

A huge resounding splash takes up the otherwise quiet forest causing the animals and critters to monetarily stop in caution but then resuming their daily activities once they realise no such predator is on the prowl for them.

Throaty huffs escape me in the form of laughter while I continue to lay on the ground, turning onto my back and causing everything to appear upside down as Malleus doggy paddles in the middle of the lake. His huge alert ears now droopy and stuck to his head while the rest of his matted fur sticks to him.

I feel a twinge of regret and a hint of betrayal rock through my body as I stop rolling around on the muddy surface, straightening myself and composing my once amused face into one of pure somber. Maybe that was a cruel prank to play on him? He only wanted to chase after me and I ended up doing him dirty.

Glancing back to where I saw my mate last, my body tenses up when I catch no sight of him and a clear indication that he's gone underwater.

Okay he's definitely messing with me.

'Malleus?' I call out hesitantly but get no answer.

Sharpening my hearing, I let oh a breath of relief as I hear the faint sound of someone moving silently underwater. He's just messing with me. Although it's not like I can complain.

Relaxing my body, I sit up on my haunches once more while gently shaking my coat to make sure the fly bits of mud dislodge themselves from my fur. However, my ministrations cease immediately as the sound of my mate emerging from water grasps my attention instead. All rational thoughts evade me while my mouth runs dry but simultaneously salivating at my mate now in his human form, the weight of the water dragging him down but that doesn't stop him from breaking through the barrier in a way that I've only seen in movies with unbelievably hot characters.

Those were nothing compared to this.

Wet hair appearing darker as it sticks to the crown of his head, upper body appearing bit by bit as he pushes against the water and allowing me to take in every inch of his taut muscles that flex with each move. I shamelessly stare at the running water droplets tracing their way over the expanse of his chest and down over each chiselled ab till they vanish from sight as they trail down his v line and some dissolving into the little trail of hair that leads to a sight covered by water. Oh what I'd give to be a little drop of water grasping onto each piece of my mate's exposed body.

I probably look like the wolf out of the three little pigs story book that just wanted to gobble up those piggies. I wouldn't even bat an eye if someone told me I was smacking my lips in anticipation right now. This wolf needs some meat.

"Naughty little wolf." Comes Malleus' familiar voice, the playful tone allowing one part of me to be in relief that he's not upset with me but the other part of me does not give a single damn. Oh no. Not when he's near the shallow part of the water and every single surface of him is laid out to me like a feast for a starving man wandering lost for day's in a forest.

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