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Fie Wright's P. O. V

Shifting in my seat, I straighten out my back while trying to make my face void of any emotion. I only have to look serious and composed. Nothing more, nothing less. That unfortunately is a feat in itself as I end up breaking my facade and erupting into a toothy grin, groans shooting up from all around me while a thud resounds from one person in particular.

"Ezra baby, stop banging your again against the wall. You need all the brain cells you have."

"Hey!" Shouts the man as he abruptly cuts off his head banging, pouting at his giggly mate who bats her eyelashes and assures him she was joking.

Looks like Rui's gotten with us when it comes to annoying the man as much as he annoys us back.

"You need to be serious... Fie." Rui awkwardly tells me, still not used to calling me by my first name to which I wave her tensions away. I'd be the one in an awkward position if she referred to me as Queen or something along those lines.

I nod my head to let her know I've heard her before clearing my throat and straightening out my shoulders. I make sure to narrow my eyes and clench my jaw, thinning my lips just a bit to make sure I look as serious as possible.

"Uh you look sort of constipated." Ezra comments from my side which earns him a shove in the ribs from his mate who worriedly smiles at me. I guess it's going to take a while until the woman gets fully comfortable around me.

"I can't help it." I whine with a pout now on my lips as I huff. Crossing my arms across my chest, I ignore the sour expression of Malleus' minister from the shadows of the large hall. That man hasn't liked me from the day I first laid eyes on Malleus.

Well boo freaking hoo to him. It's not like he has a say in the matter.

Shaking my head, I glance from an amused looking Ezra and over to an encouraging Rui before I try and make myself comfortable on the large throne. It hasn't even been a full day since I've been marked but Malleus thought it would be great for me to try and dip my foot into the pool of my Queenly duties. Being the obedient and well rounded mate that I am, I only complained for around ten minutes or so before eventually agreeing to it all.

The first push Malleus wanted me to take was to try and attend an open court where I'd have to listen to a few complaints from people and then possibly help them if it was something deemed probable to do so. I feel like I've been plunged head first into some sort of historical drama but being the gracious woman I am, I've decided to step out of my comfort zone and take charge. All jokes aside, this is something I'm glad to be doing since I'm sure it'll help out a few people in need and will let me bond with the townsfolk here.

Maybe they'll go easy on me once I'm announced as Queen?

"Okay. This is it." I say with a final nod, composing my features and staring straight ahead to the looming awaiting doors where someone is currently waiting. The usual giggles I get whenever I'm placed into a serious situation have thankfully subsided since the importance of everything is actually getting to me. A decision of mine could change a persons life entirely, I mean if they allow me to make such decisions in the first place which I don't they will.

The sound of the heavy doors opening gave me bracing the sides of the throne, my grip tightening till my knuckles go white and a welcoming smile plasters itself onto my face. I can see Ezra giving me an encouraging look from my side as he scoots back till he's standing behind my throne but a bit to the left.

"Your Majesty, I present to you-," the sound of Malleus' minister gets cut off as another chirpier voice cuts through the echoey hall.

"Oh my word. I didn't know I'd be seeing you soon although I believe it was expected because how can it not. I do apologise once more about the previous occurrence. I never would have held you up like that so I guess I'm apologising for a second time, well third-,"

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