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Fie Wright's P. O. V

The next few moments fly by in a blur of buzzing and shouts as Malleus rushes from behind Rui and darting over to the unconscious people in front of us but not before signalling to the young War General to maintain her position in front of me.

I find myself peeking over the woman's shoulders, barely noticing the fact that Ezra has sidled his way beside me as a flurry of guards enter into the large hall, a little too late if the circumstances were more dire than what they are now.

"What's exactly going on?" Ezra whispers to Rui and I just as the guards shoulder the four people's body weight over their own, tethering their strength to take them off to God knows where.

"Ron is going to be in deep shit." Is all I end up saying while Rui's lips sink into a thin line, her eyes taut and alive as they follow the scurrying of everyone with sharply skilled eyes.

"That's true. He failed to realise the severity of the situation and how many people have been affected by the magic. This is going to look bad on all of us," Rui says with a grimace, shaking her head and adjusting her gait at the same time.

"Where are they being taken to?" I ask in intrigue, wondering how far the magic has spread and hoping it isn't too far down the line. I mean Luna Aria was ill for months and nothing too drastic happened to her. I hope it's going to be the same for those young wolves too.

"Most likely to the wing where all the Mages are. Ezra told me that King Malleus healed your Luna so I guess it's safe to say the mages are trained on how to heal them." She says just as the last guard exits the room, the vast hall settling into a chilling silence as piercing blue eyes fall from the side doors and move to an overly sweating red man who shuffles on his feet.

If I could try to describe the expression on his face, I'd say it's something akin to a child being caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Or rather that embarrassing moment when the entire family walked in on Ezra watching porn on the main television in his parents' house.

Grimacing at the memory, I scoot away from my cousin while I contently ignore Rui's worried glance at me. The threat, if there was one at all, has vanished now and the way Malleus is already making his way to the podium is enough to let me know I'll be dragged to his side soon enough, anyway.

"What exactly were you saying before we were intruded upon?" Malleus' voice rings clear, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle that preoccupied it moments ago. I guess a cacophony of sound is a not very unprecedented occurrence, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that considering it is a matter of security.

"Your Majesty, I didn't- I don't-," Reaching my mate's side, I meet eyes with him and try to plead with him to drop it. Anyone with half a brain can tell the poor man was telling the truth the first time around, and although he might have messed up and become incompetent momentarily after a lapse in judgement, I think I'm coming to quite like the weird little human. I'm getting a soft spot for the man.

"I think that man is two seconds away from fainting and being just one other person to add to the mage's long list of patients." I whisper slowly to him, low enough for me to be satisfied that Ron won't hear a peep.

Malleus closes his eyes as he throws his head back and lets out a loud exhale. I raise my hand up, clutching his left one in between my own as I give him a gentle squeeze. He must be at his wits' end if he's this pent up about this.

"I'll be having a word with you in my study later on Ron. Make sure you're within the castle's premises till I deem necessary. You're not allowed to leave until after I've met with you." His words leave the man more jittery than previously before which has me sighing in disbelief.

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