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Fie Wright's P. O. V

Waking up at the crack of dawn is something I can never get used to. It's as if my body is physically unable to comprehend anything let alone carry out any sort of daily activities. That's why whenever I have plans to get up at the God forsaken hours of the early morning light, I make sure to simply not sleep. It's much easier for me to be dead on my feet rather than insanely groggy. That was my plan for the day when we had to meet up with Althea to work her magic but things hardly every go to plan.

Hence, why my Malleus is currently cooing at me, coaxing me in whatever way possible to pry open my eyes so we can get started on our important day. All my mate gets as an answer is a long drawn out groan while I scoot further into his warm embrace, practically preening as he softly rubs at my back with one hand while threading his fingers through my hair with the other.

"Come on baby. You have to wake up. Your tea will get cold." He whispers softly in my ear, continuing to rub in between my shoulder blades. Another groan escapes me, the sound echoing out around us as if my mate is torturing me for information instead of comforting me.

"Ugh. Fine." I say with a grunt, pushing myself out of my mate's hold so that I'm able to sit upright on my bed. I already know my appearance is a sight to behold with my hair sticking up every which way, my face overly puffy like it gets whenever I sleep and red marks stretched out across my cheek where I was laying on it. With squinted eyes, I glance over at Malleus who is already gently placing the cup of tea in my hands, placing a soft kiss to the crown of my head while I give him a quick once over.

A simple black button up shirt followed by black jeans and a pair of combat boots being his go to outfit for today, something he can easily shift out of without getting trapped in the mess. Hopefully no shifting will be needed today.

"When did you get up?" I question in a soft murmur, not having felt the bed dip and his lack of presence like I usually do.

"An hour ago." He comments while lifting me up, making sure my grip is steady on the mug filled with tea as he shifts me comfortably into his lap. "I took a shower, got changed and came back to bed so you didn't notice my lack of presence too much."

Malleus knows he's playing a dangerous game because I will fall back asleep with no remorse whatsoever.

Glancing over to the windows which line the left side of the room, I take in the pitch black of the night which is only rivalled by the quick flash of thunder which streaks across the sky, followed by a deafening clamour which makes the windows rattle in their panes.

"You're in a mood, aren't you?" I tease, my chin pointing towards the gloomy sky to which he merely scoffs.

"I told you once before it doesn't work like that." He tries to convince me otherwise but I give him a pointed stare, already knowing his little tricks. Well only knowing a few handle since the man is still pretty much a mystery to me. "Now, come on. I want rush you for your tea because I know how cranky you can get but you'll have to take a quicker shower then. Ezra is already up and bouncing around, I've had to put guards outside his door in order to contain him." Malleus inputs while I gasp at his words, deftly smacking him on the arm before quickly rubbing at the spot in the second to soothe it.

"He's not some prisoner." I say with a disgruntled tone while sipping at my tea, sadness coursing through me when I realise I've hit the shallow end.

"He was going to come barging in to wake you up." Malleus utters with a smug look to which I huff, not admitting he did the best damn thing in the world when he says it like that. Letting myself bask in his warmth and comforting hold, I finally get my bearings together and reluctantly get off of the bed, the mere act taking all of my will power as I trudge to the bathroom, ready to freshen up.

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