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Fie Wright's P. O. V

"Mate or not, that shit is toxic as hell!" I say with spite in my voice, a loud clamour echoing around the otherwise silent hall as I lean forward in my chair, vigour coursing through me. I barely notice the kitten's mew of disdain as she tries to snuggle herself deeper into my lap so that she can go to sleep once more.

"I can't wait to beat some sense into him." I mutter to myself although my voice travels quite far in the echoey room, patting the top of the cat's head in order to soothe her back to her never ending nap time.

Asha weaves her way to plop down on the steps below me, the fabric of her cloak and dress alike pooling at her feet and all around her like a mass of water. "I think Rui will beat you to the punch. Pun intended." A short laugh falls from her lips while I nod along with the woman.

She has a point.

Glancing wearily at the pacing warrior, I momentarily think of the chances of my having to actually pry the fiery woman off of my cousin. What he did was wrong but was it enough to excuse cold bloody murder?

"I cannot believe he did that." Even Rui's voice is filled with disbelief, contrasting the furious expression she's currently supporting as she paces a hole into the stone covered floor of the large hall. I might even have to get the floor rebuffed with all the scuffling going on. The woman's hands ball up next to her, clenching and unclenching and just showing how she's ready to rip someone apart.

"I think Ezra had a good reason for doing so-," I cut her off immediately as Asha straightens herself up, shaking her head in a cross manner at the former woman's words.

"Putting you to sleep so that you stay here and going off on the mission in your place has no 'good reason.' That piece of shit probably drugged you." I say vehemently, not liking this type of behaviour from anyone.

"If Malleus did that to me he wouldn't be allowed a step foot inside this castle. Although this is his castle so I can't really stop him from entering. However, I am Queen now technically-,"

"Focus, Fie." Asha says with a snap of her fingers, knocking me out of my rambling reverie. I smile bashfully in thanks before clearing my throat and refocusing on what the important matter is.

"As I was saying," I continue once more, "You should tell him off in case Ezra decides to pull this shit again. I mean I'm not saying kill him or shred to pieces but just maybe like a chewing out?" I advice hesitantly.

Rui stops her pacing midway and turns to the two of us with a baffled look on her face while her hands unclench besides her, "Why do you think I'll kill my own mate?" She asks curiously, head tilting to the side while Asha and I share a brief look.

"I'm not one to be dramatic but I can practically see steam rising up from off of you. Just thought I'd let you remember that although he is dumb, that dumb man is your mate whether you like it or not so you can't really kill him."

"I know, I know." Rui confirms after letting out a sudden breath, trudging away at us till she finally reaches the stairs and plops down next to Asha.

"How long till they come back?" Asha mumbles, trying her best not to show it but you'd be pretty dumb not to see how much the woman misses her giant of a mate.

I shrug my shoulders in answer, no one really knowing how long it'll take. Maybe they'll be back later today or maybe even tomorrow. We don't know much considering a huge factor is out of place.

The fight.

Is happening? Isn't it happening?

I really hope they wrap this all up quickly.

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