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Fie Wright's P. O. V

The first thing I notice is the cold seeping into my bones as the vivid sight of a castle perched high up on the crest of the hall now turns hazy, everything appearing as if it's been muted and toned down to lack any sort of perpetual vigour. Bland is all I can describe the scenery in front of me where once the imagery was sharp and crisp, catching ahold of my attention like no other but now, instead, I'm focused upon the cold draft that swirls against my exposed legs and arms. I can feel a deep frown etching onto my face while my dark brows knit together, something missing that was previously there just a few moments ago.

An all too familiar feeling embraces me now as I get pulled out of the dream world I was once stuck in, the castle belonging to my mate now dispersing while I flutter my eyes open with a groan. The frown on my face growing deeper than ever before as I realise what the source of my intrusion into my dreams was. Reaching out one bare arm, the right side of the bed feels cold to the touch and I know there and then that Malleus moving out of the bed was what had caused the commotion in my dream.

It's gotten so bad that I can't even dream in peace when the man leaves my side. This is a severe case of codependency.

Rolling onto my back, I run my hand over my bleary eyes while they focus in and out at my careless rubbing, my body already screaming at me to go find my mate and drag him into bed. Neither body nor mind too concerned with it being for sleep or other activities that could possibly take place.

Thankfully I don't have to dwell on any lustful  thoughts being conjured up by my naughty mind as approaching footsteps sound out, each footfall coming closer and closer to my room till they stop just outside the closed door while a moment of hesitation passes. I take that as an opportunity to run my hands through my hair and simultaneously propping myself up in bed since the scent emanating from the other side of the door only belongs to one person, i.e. the only person I'll be fixing my appearance for at such an ungodly hour.

I can tell Malleus is trying his best to stop my bedroom door from creaking on its hinges but considering the door moans like a wanton whore eagerly seeking a hefty wage, he'll be pushing it open bit by bit for the rest of the door so that it doesn't make any noise. I can already tell the moment he gives up as a huff resonates from the other side of the wood before it swings open only for the man to pause in surprise at my eagerly awaiting grin.

"Oh. You're up." He says simply to which I nod, that being all the cue he needs to make his way over to me. My smile grows wider tenfold as the little tradition we had set up back in the castle's bedroom seems to take up residence here. A steaming mug of tea cradled in his hands as he leans down to place a chaste kiss onto my forehead while he deposits the hot item carefully into my hold, perching himself on my bed in the process.

"No running off to work this morning," I tease since our morning greetings end up with Malleus scuttling away to some corner of the huge castle while I sip at my tea till it's time to get ready and get my ass handed to me by Asha.

"Not at all. I get to manage to spend these next few days glued to my mate," he responds back, his grin mirroring mine.

"What if I object?"

Soft laughter falls from Malleus' lips, his teeth wide on display while a delightful sensation erupts in the pit of my stomach, "Don't you know? I'm the King. What I say goes." His matter of fact tone doesn't go unnoticed by me as I school my features into that of a glare.

"The woman you're looking at is going to be Queen so I'd be careful what you say around her. She might end up having you eating your own words," I voice out, the playfulness evident in my tone to which he shakes his head at.

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