"We're Trapped Here"

Start from the beginning

Roan didn't seem like he cared. 

Me " It already has Ontari, Roan"

Roan nodded  " I'm listening. "

Me "We need to disconnect her before she gets the Flame, or we'll be giving A.L.I.E. exactly what she wants. To do that, we have to abduct her from the center of a city filled with thousands of people who's minds are linked, all of them thinking as one. Whatever one sees, they all see. Whatever one hears, they all hear."

Roan nodded " I get it."

then he stood up " So when do we leave? "

In the garage. 

Miller "Knockout gas, Mount Weather's finest. As soon as they bring Ontari out, we put them to sleep. "

Bell nodded "Nice."

Raven " Because she's chipped, you'll have to EMP her like you did me before you give her the Flame. "

Jasper " I thought Jaha destroyed all the wristbands."

 Raven "So did he. Then I came home. There's only enough usable parts to rebuild one, so use it wisely. Made a few improvements, too."

Clarke " None of which is gonna matter if you can't get us access to A.L.I.E.'s code. "

Raven "You worry about the Nightblood. I'll worry about A.L.I.E."

Jasper asked confused " How can you access code that doesn't exist here anymore? ""

Monty "We've got a plan. "

Octavia "What are we waiting for?"

Bellamy " Let's move out. "

In the woods. 

Roan "All right. This is where we split up. The entrance to the tunnel is right over there. "

Bellamy nodded " Yeah. We know where it is. "

Roan "I'm gonna need the Flame. Look. This only works if they send Ontari out to get it. If they don't see it, they won't do that, not much of a trap without the bait."

I nodded " Fine... but I'm coming with you. "

Bellamy shook his head "No way. That is not the plan"

I nodded " It is now. I'm not letting that out of my sight... and I'm the only one who knows the passphrase, so you can tell them that without me, Ontari can't ascend. "

Roan "You'll need to look like my prisoner. "

I nodded "Ok."

Bellamy grabbed me and shoved me aside " Wait a second. Give us a minute. Come on, Clarke. You're really willing to trust that guy with your life? "

Me "No... but you'll be covering us the entire time, and I trust you. "

At Polis. 

Roan walked through the city with me on the rope that was attached to my wrists.

I was also gagged.

Roan "Your friends better be in position.  When this is over, Ontari will know you helped her. You have my word.  So much for the thousands of people. "

Some of the people were kneeling on the ground. looks like they zooned out. 

Roan stopped in front of the building and called out "I am Roan, King of Azgeda... and I have what the Commander seeks. "

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