Chapter Sixteen

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It had all happened in a flash, they had been talking, nearly kissing for God's sake, then the men reappeared, drugging the king and kidnapping him.

Dave was speechless. One side of his face was wet with a hot liquid, one of the men must have struck him. He didn't even notice any pain, he just felt numb. He'd failed Zak, he'd failed him!

"Dave?" Squid asked, looking genuinely concerned for the young king. "Are you okay?"

The pig leaned back onto a wall, not speaking.

The other royalty had now come to their senses, and bustled around, checking on the others. They all still jumped at the smallest sound, the crunch of glass under their feet, as if they still expected the men to return.

More of them crowded around the two men, some looking confused, some sympathetic, some downright haughty. Until Squid told them all what happened.

Then they all were sympathetic.

But Dave didn't want their sympathy. No matter how many people tried to comfort him, no matter how many people came up to him, promising their troops to bring him back, he didn't listen.

He just wanted to be alone.

He'd gotten onto his horse, galloping away from the castle before anyone could stop him. He'd rushed into his castle, shutting the door behind him, locking it tight, refusing food, water, everything.

All he wanted to do was cry, cry for Zak, cry for failing him, cry for himself. And he did. He cried until his cheeks were slick with tears, and his eyes as red as the irises.

After what felt like forever, he fell into a restless sleep, dreaming only in flashes. Of his first time meeting Zak. Of the time he found him half-dead. Of the time they slept in the same bed, the time he'd lashed out at him, and learned Zak didn't feel the same way...

Oh, the universe loved him. Making him fall head-over-heels for a boy who didn't love him back. To fall in love with a boy, something looked down upon by many here.

If only he could've been normal...then none of this would have happened. His heart wouldn't have smashed into pieces, he wouldn't have been sitting here, with nothing to do but wallow in pity for the boy he loved...

If only he'd been normal.


Dave blinked his eyes opened, meeting pitch black. Was he still dreaming?

He stood up, only feeling the cold ground underneath his palms. Where was he?

"Well, well, well." A voice said. It sounded male, but Dave couldn't tell where it came from. It reverberated around the place, bouncing off invisible walls.

"Who are you?" The pig growled into the darkness. "What is this place?"

The voice tutted. "Now, now, Dave, no need to act all fussy. Why don't you grab a seat, get a drink, and we can talk."

A velvet chair knocked into him from behind, and he fell backwards into the plush seat. A goblet floated in the air in front of him, made of more precious materials than his throne back in the castle. A liquid flowed from the air into the cup, and he shifted away from the drink uncomfortably as he recognized the liquid as blood. "No thanks."

He heard a shuffle of fabric like the voice was shrugging. "Suit yourself. Now, where were we? Ah, yes. Why you are here.

"Well, young king, I heard about your predicament with that other boy, Zak, right?"

Dave looked down, not speaking.

"I'll take that as a yes. Anyway, I've come to make a...proposal."

Dave lifted his head, eyes narrowed. "What do you mean by that? And you still haven't told me who you are!"

The man sighed. "Who I am is not necessary right now. If you'll let me speak, I'll tell you what I mean by the proposal."

Dave slumped backwards. "Fine. Speak."

"I can get your friend back. I can show you the way to him over time, but I'll need payment."

"What kind of payment?" Dave asked eagerly. "Gold? Diamonds? Rubies?" Porcus was one of the richest kingdoms, only less rich than Zak's own Adamantem. Surely the boy wouldn't mind him taking a couple of his jewels to free him.

The man chuckled. "Oh, no. I request your payment in blood. I'll give you a target each week to...'take out' exchange for a clue to Zak's cell. Simple, really. Is it a deal?" A dismembered and scarred hand appeared in front of Dave, and it waved slightly, waiting for the pig to shake it.

With only a second of hesitation, Dave grasped the hand, gulping as it disappeared in a wave of blood. "Can you tell me who you are, now?"

The man grumbled. "Fine, if you must know...

"I am the god of sacrifice, the god you pray to every time you must do something to get another thing. I am the god who is always there when you spill your blood to reach your goals. Dear Dave, I'm the Blood God. And now, you have a promise to fulfill." A snap echoed throughout the void, and Dave fell back into the chair, falling back into slumber.

Blood for the Blood Gods: A Skepnoblade Fanfic (ON HIATUS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora