"I didn't know about my sister but...I could definitely tell you liked Minji" Gahyeon said with an unreadable expression, thinking about the fact that Yubin blushed madly when Minji approached her. Gahyeon loved Minji and she would literally give her life for her just like she would for Siyeon, but sometimes she felt envious of the older girl. She was drop dead gorgeous and no one would notice Gahyeon when Minji was around.

"I'm sorry that I stared at her like that... I was just surprised by 'the scene' when we went downstairs" Yubin apologized.

"I know" Gahyeon replied with a little smile "and Yubin... I'm sorry about how inappropriate my sister was, asking you if you were... well... into girls" Gahyeon said embarrassed.

"It's not a problem" Yubin answered waving a hand around but not giving an answer to the actual question. "Anyway, I just sent a message to my friend Bora. Shall we go downstairs and wait there?" She asked and Gahyeon started panicking.

"W-we can wait here!" Gahyeon said in a very high pitched tone "I don't want my sister to annoy you again!" the older girl said but Yubin smiled at her, saying that it wasn't a big deal while she was packing her stuff. Gahyeon panicked even more. She had to find an excuse to keep Yubin in her room.

Siyeon and Minji were still going at it downstairs and luckily it seemed like they were almost done. Well Minji at least, but she didn't know if they would stop after that. She needed to think of something and fast.

Yubin was done packing her stuff and she was putting her backpack on her shoulder.

"Yubin!" Gahyeon said quickly startling the older girl.

"Yeah?" Yubin asked confused, turning around to face Gahyeon. The pink haired girl looked pretty nervous and was awkwardly moving on the balls of her feet

"Are you... sure that you... didn't forget anything?" She asked sounding really really awkward.

"Uhm... yes, I think I have everything packed" Yubin awkwardly smiled. This was becoming a little bit uncomfortable for both of them. Gahyeon looked at Yubin's expression and she sighed. She really didn't want to lose the opportunity to be friend with her but her sister and Minji were making it so hard for her. Damn her super sensitive hearing. Why did vampires just have to hear so well!

"I uhmm... I wanted to... ask you something?" Gahyeon said, sounding as if she was asking herself the question instead of Yubin.

"Sure" Yubin said with an awkward smile again, "go ahead". Yubin didn't know what had gotten into the younger girl, but her behavior was pretty weird.

"I... wanted to... ask... if... what Bora is like! Yes that's it!" Gahyeon cheered once she had thought of a question.

Yubin raised her eyebrows and bursted into laughter

"This was what was making you so nervous? Meeting my friend Bora?" Yubin said chuckling and Gahyeon nodded. She was so happy she found a question at the last second.

"She is... intense. Just like your sister. She looks pretty tough and arrogant but it's just a facade. She's annoying but she's caring and I don't know what I would have done without her in my life" Yubin said with a shy smile. She was really fond of both Bora and Yoohyeon, but their relationships were really different. She and Yoohyeon had the typical close friends relationship, but with Bora it was different. They were just like sisters. They annoyed the hell out of eachother but they were ready to throw hands to protect one another.

"Oh god, I don't know if I can handle two people like Siyeon" Gahyeon laughed making Yubin laugh too.

"So let's wait downstairs now, Yubin stated, putting her hand on the door handle.

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