Awkward Encounter

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                       Eraser's POV

I couldn't sleep. Something mat be preventig me from sleeping. I think there were monsters nearby. ( haha get the reference? ok this is a lame joke ) I took the two-way radio fron Loser's hand and went far away so I won't awake them. "Psst! Anyone awake?" I whispered into the radio. "Always." I heard Blocky say. We chatted for a bit until we heard "I'm awake too, guys." it was Eggy. We were talking to each other for a long time, maybe half an hour. "Hello? Blocky, Eggy, and Eraser?" we heard a voice say. Of course, it was Coiny! "Hello, Coiny! How did you even get hold of the radio?" Blocky asked. "Loser left us one while we were asleep. Kind person, he is!" Coiny replied. "By the way, Pin's awake! Say hi, Pin!" he added. "Hello, everyone!" squeaked Pin. "Huh, who's that?" I heard a voice from the radio afar. "Oh, Leafy! I'm sorry to wake you up!"
Eggy said. "Don't worry, I just need to remove Firey's hands from my waist." she said while struggling to remove it.
Seems like it, since she was panting. She gave up and woke up Firey. "Firey! Wake up! I can't move!" we heard Leafy say. "Oh, sorry Leafy..." said Firey sleepily. I guessed he removed his hand and went back to sleep. I started yawning. "Eraser! You need to get sleep!" said Blocky. See, this is the downside. You just yawn, and you get a free pass to exit the conversation and sleep. "I'm not sleepy!" I cried. "Nah. I'll go to sleep too. See you!" and Blocky's radio turned off. I decided to go to sleep too.

                       Match's POV

Finally, a new morning! I didn't know that I fell asleep while listening to music! I looked outside, and it was a bright, sunny day. I woke up Pen and Pencil, who were on the same bed, sharing a blanket. I wonder what they did late at night? Oh nevermind, this is a no NSFW book... "Match, I'm hungry. Can you get me an ice-cream sandwich on the infinite refrigerator?" Pen requested. Did you know, that I found the infinite refrigerator on a crate on the lobby of this hotel? "Pen, you can't eat that for breakfast." I scolded. "Can we atleast go outside? We've been here for two days already." he said. Pencil agreed and woke up the rest of the team. We took turns washing up. After that, she grabbed the map and teleported us to the lobby. We were greeted by three objects. Two were still asleep, and one
on the couch, chilling. "Hello, Alliance!" Eggy said. We shrugged, we didn't feel like killing right now. "We were just passing by. Also, this is our place." I said calmly. "Oh, right." Eggy replied. We stared at each other for a very long time. It was starting to get uncomfortable, so Pen decided to break the silence. "We were just passing by. This is so awkward. Lets just go." he said. "Also, aren't you supposed to be on our team?" Eggy said. We shot Pen some looks. "I'm on both sides, alright? Dont hurt us, we won't hurt you." he said. Firey, who had woken up, said "Huh? What are you doing here?" while staring at us confusingly. "We'd better leave now." Pencil said while she grabbed Pen's hand. Our alliance nodded at her, and we left the hotel.

                        Leafy's POV

I woke up since it was cold. I opened my eyes to see Firey not there. I saw him on the other side of where I was sleeping. He was sitting down, talking to Needle with the walkie-talkie. He nodded and set the radio down. Firey looked at me, smiling. "Oh, you're awake!" "Yeah, I guess." I replied. "I feel cold." I said. He took a look at me, and he hugged me. I instantly felt warm as soon as he touched me. ( NO SHES NOT FEELING YOU-KNOW-WHAT MY CHILDREN )
Eggy said "Are you guys done?" and we broke the hug almost immediately.
We stepped out of the doors, and Firey said "Needle will meet us here. Something happened to Loser and Eraser." after a couple of seconds, Needle appeared as though she teleported. She was panting. "Come on!" she said. She signaled us to climb her, and we took off. We were at the destination. Oh no... I held Firey close at the sight of it...


Vote for Firey in BFB 23.
I don't want him eliminated!
I wil feel extreme pain if he gets
the least votes. I will really
cry myself to sleep when he gets
eliminated, and start to post
even later than usual.

So please!
I beg for your mercy, my children!
  Please type [B] in BFB 23's comments!


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