The Start Of The End pt. 2

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Puffball's POV

Okay... The lava is actually not that much of a problem, right? Well, all the water drained from the ocean, and after that, it revealed SEVEN more volcanos!

It all erupted at the same time.

Within seconds, it was just sixteen feet from eaching us! It was rising quickly, and heading to the plains to swallow everything in sight.

Sixteen feet jumped up to thirteen, to ten, to seven...

"I'll give you all a yoyleberry I conveniently saved for times like these!" Foldy said, handing out one to each of us.

Once she handed one to me, I replied "If I eat that yoyleberry, we'll all fall down there." I said, looking down.

"Well, we're basically immune to lava, sooo..." Fries started, but I shushed him.

"Do you really want to jump in fifty-five feet of lava?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Correction-" Marker interjected.

"It's sixty-one now." he said.

I looked down and saw lava a foot away from us.

"Go up, go up!" Stapy yelled, and I did a few feet.

"Why'd you stop?! We're gonna die, you know!" he once again yelled.

"Do you want to die due to high pressure?!" I replied.

"Well, better than drowning in lava, so go!" he snapped.

I obeyed and went really high up in the sky.

"Uhhh... everyone? I feel a little dizzy..." Foldy said, losing balance on my head.

Everything froze for a second, and when I came back to my senses, I heard "FOLDY!".

She was falling a hundred feet in the air.

"Go down, go down!" Fries screamed.

"I'm not fast enough!" I said, diving back down.

It was too late.

She fell into the lava.

"Okay... let's go somewhere safe..." Stapy said, lost in words.

Tennis Ball's POV

I'm alone in the roof of the lavatory, right after I kicked the last K.I.L.L member into the lava.

So I've won, but at what cost?

The lava was starting to rise up rapidly. From the bathroom doors right up to the head of the roof.

I looked back up, and saw a swarm of lava cover the entire sky.

Guess this is it, huh?

No. Stop acting so stupid right after Golf Ball died. I can survive this. I will survive this.

I shrinked myself with a prototype that I made awhile back and went inside the chimney of the lavatory.

Eww, it's disgusting in here.

I saw my destination; inside the sink drain.

And just when I was about to jump in,  the lavatory door gave in and the lava started to flow really fast.

Okay, it's do or die...

...and so I jumped in.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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