He doesn't do relationship

I'm still going to confess.

"You are not heartless nor a bitch." He said sighing

"What about fake?" I quickly said once the word rang inside my head.

If I'm not mistaken that's exactly what she said that I was. A 'bit fake'. Yes, I was being fake but only because she tried to put her paws on my man.

"You were acting fake-ish but no, you are not fake either," He said what I was thinking.

"I wouldn't be acting fake-ish if you would've just told me that you decided to befriend her... OR! If you would've just told her that you have a girlfriend."

"Here we go again..." He mumbled under his breath rolling his eyes at me. Reaching our destination, Cris stopped his car in front of his house and turn to me.

"I mean seriously! Do you really want me to look like another one of your whores?!" I asked him in a desperate need to know.

"You are not a whore." He replied firmly

"I know that! BUT THEY DON'T! If only you could hear what the say about me." I'm going to act as if my little horny stunt didn't happen because that was just me on my high.

Yea, baby girl, that's what that was.

I guess the talks do affect me. I try to act as if they don't but this is Conner's reputation we are talking about. His the next best thing next to my brother.

"You need to ignore them then!" He screamed agitated with the topic.

"It's easy for you to say! I should be your girlfriend not your whore! And she and everybody should know that!" I yelled back at him.

"But you're not!"

Once he yelled that the car stayed silent. I didn't know where to hide. Where to put my head. It was embarrassing and humiliating.

My heart dropped to my stomach knowing what was going to happen next.

"You're not my girlfriend, your not my whore, " he mumbled, killing the engine completely and letting out a sigh

Sometimes I really want to know what was going on inside his head. What was he thinking? But then I thinking it's best to reserve the heartbreak for another time.

"Yea, you are right, " I whispered fumbling with the end of my skirt and looking at out the wind to avoid his stare.

He is right

Of course, he is, for now.

I got caught up with this fake thing

Maybe it isn't a good idea to confess. Everything could seriously go wrong.

I'm not letting you back down now, take your man!

"Here, wear my jacket," he said breaking the extreme tensed up silence once he saw the goosebumps on my skin. I need to be alone right now and yet I knew that was not going to happen. Not any time soon at least.

"I'm fine, " I mumbled looking down at my hand and shaking my head.

"We had a deal," he said grabbing his jacket from the back seat where he threw it once he entered the car.

"Did you enter your clases?" I asked

"I was on the third period when I got a call from Layla saying you were in the nurses' office with your brother already on the way, " he said nodding his head at my question.

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