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Romeo's mind was a scattered mess throughout his class. He sighed and huffed and tore up paper. He ran his hands through his curls until it was a mess. His professor patted him on the back.

"Feeling okay, Lopez?"

"Ugh...I'm fine. I guess. I just can't really...I don't know."

"Just relax. Take your time," she said as he started to sketch again. It was a shit job and he knew it but Romeo managed a quick piece to turn in by the end of class. He was just ready to get out of that class and walk outside for a while before work.

After putting away his pencils and pads, Romeo left the art building and walked across the courtyard to one of the small, on-campus coffee shops. There were three main cafes on campus, each one placed near the largest buildings. Slowburn Coffee was located between the arts and music buildings, and it was decorated to look as such. Every Friday night a student musician would come and sing; the walls were decorated with pictures from the art students.

It was far more comforting than Rose Coffee, located by the law buildings, that was silent for the diligent students, or Vova Coffee, over by the biology classrooms and labs. Needless to say, sharing coffee with a skeleton hanging overhead made a few students queasy.

Romeo walked into the cafe and saw Charlie standing behind the counter. He waved to her and she half-smiled. He was so used to seeing Rio standing behind the counter and even after a month Romeo was still thrown off when he saw someone else.

"Hey, Charlie," he called. He glanced around the coffee shop, just to see the traffic he would have to deal with, and his eyes fell to the corner of the shop.

He spun around and hurried over to the counter, Charlie's eyes wide with concern.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," Romeo said, at a rather loud volume. Charlie  raised her eyebrow as Romeo fidgeted around.

It wasn't like Aron was casually sitting in the corner, sipping a coffee and playing with his iPad.

Romeo leaned in close and started to whisper. "Um, Charlie, do you see that guy over there in the corner?"

Charlie looked up and glanced around the shop with a very casual, poker-face. She nodded.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"Is he by any chance looking this way?"

"Not at this moment. But he's looked over here twice," Charlie replied. "Why, do you know him?"

"Sort of," Romeo laughed. "It's weird and complicated. I'm going to go ahead and put my stuff away in the back. Can I get a...caramel latte, please?"

"Sure thing," Charlie said. "It'll be ready when you come out."

"Thanks," Romeo said, hurrying away.

He went into the backroom and threw his stuff into one of the lockers. He took out his sketchpad, however. He had a little over an hour before his shift started, so he had time to get on his homework. He walked out of the room, clutching his sketchbook to his chest, his eyes going directly to Aron's corner.

Romeo bit his lip and picked his coffee off the counter where Charlie had set it down. He wanted to go and sit with Aron. He was asking Aron out for coffee after all. But would Aron really remember? Would Aron even want to? He was a fucking lawyer.

Aron looked up at him, those eyes piercing and dark and everything that made Romeo's knees go weak.

Romeo inadvertently took a step forward and before he could stop himself he was standing at Aron's high-raised table. Aron quirked his eyebrows.

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