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Rio had no problem staying quiet, but Camila was getting increasingly more curious as to where Romeo snuck off to every chance he had. It was mid-October and she had never seen Romeo so completely calm about his art and schoolwork and money. It was relieving, of course, but worrisome.

What was he up to?

"I've just gotten better at keeping my shit together," Romeo said as he packed up his belongings. "I'm going out."

"Again? You just got back from work." She folded her arms and raised her eyebrows. "And it's early."




"Are you...doing anything illegal?" She squinted her eyes at him, watching his expression go from shocked to offended.

"What the fuck? Do you seriously think I'm that stupid?"


Romeo rolled his eyes but Camila kept eying him, mainly his ears. There was no hint of red to them, so she knew he wasn't lying about doing shady business.

"If you're dating someone, you can tell me."

"I can," Romeo mused, "but I'd rather keep that personal. Last time I dated someone, you tried to kill them."

"Last time you dated someone, you were in high school, you were fifteen and their name was Nolan. I had a valid reason."

"He wasn't that awful."

"Not at first."

"Not ever. He was nice. We just weren't compatible. And I have to go," Romeo hummed, running to the door. "I'll see you later!"

Camila opened her mouth to argue more but the genuine smile on Romeo's face silenced her. She smiled to herself. He was happy, with whatever (whoever?) he was doing, and he seemed healthy and less stressed. Maybe it was yoga, she told herself, or maybe, just maybe, he had finally found someone.

Now if only she could get Rio to eat instead of living off his textbooks and coffee.

Ever since his run-in with Camila while being dropped off, Romeo decided that being picked up directly in front of his apartment was out of the question. He'd walk halfway down the sloping hill, just to avoid running in to anyone. Chris stayed quiet. Same with Jacob. Neither of them dared to ask questions out of respect for Romeo's privacy. But it definitely didn't stop them from being curious (that was obvious during any class when they'd expectantly sit next to Romeo and make small talk). Never anything direct but they would casually drop hints.

The people Romeo really wanted to avoid, while Aron was around, were Thomas, Scott and Nolan. Two for teasing and one for the obvious.

And of course there was Rio. There was no easy way for him to break it to his friend that he was sort of dating an older man. And for his money. Sort of.

Then Camila. She was already suspicious and Romeo really didn't want to explain to her that he was fucking her adoptive cousin for gas money.

Romeo hated bothering with titles and specifics for their relationship. He slipped into Aron's car, setting his bag on the floorboard with a sigh. Aron tapped him under the chin with an affectionate finger and Romeo smiled.

"You look like a pleased little kitten," Aron hummed, driving back down the hill. "With your shit-eating grin."

"You always do that," Romeo laughed. "The finger-chin thing. Well...at least the last few times we've seen each other you have."

"I'm not allowed to kiss you. I needed some way of greeting you without making you uncomfortable. So it's either a chin tap or straight to fucking."

Romeo's eyes widened and his cheeks heated up red. He looked down at his hands, nervously fidgeting with them as he sat back against the chair. He tried thinking back to every little tap on his chin; to every lingering touch. Aron chuckled softly and Romeo scrunched up his eyebrows.

"You didn't bring the Porsche today," Romeo muttered.

"Well aren't you a spoiled shit," Aron teased. "I need to take it to get washed. The thing is fucking filthy from when it rained. I wanted to get it washed and go for a drive but work has had me so fucking swamped."

Romeo started to laugh. "You're so ridiculous."

Romeo wiped a finger across the Porsche's pewter surface, leaving a clean-ish stripe in the dust. Aron rolled his eyes as Romeo wrote "Wash me, Daddy", complete with a sad face, across the window.

"Are you fucking serious?" Aron asked, shaking his head, amused by the childish grin on Romeo's face.

"If I wash it, can we go?" Romeo mused, tilting his head back to look over his shoulder. He even gave his hips a generous shake to make sure he had Aron's attention. And it certainly made Aron narrow his eyes in a predatory gaze. He walked over to Romeo, sliding his hands over the boy's hips, and gripped them firmly, as if testing to see how much pressure they could take. He kneaded the round mounds of Romeo's ass and admired just how tight those jeans were.

Romeo hummed in approval and tapped his fingers against the car as Aron rutted his hips against him. There was no real friction through their jeans, but the vulgar gesture left enough to Romeo's imagination to make him grin.

"Why do you like this car so much?" Aron mused, pushing his fingers under Romeo's shirt to feeling his warm skin. "Do you like it because it's fast? Or because of the way it purrs on this ass?"

He punctuated his words with a loud slap to Romeo's rear. Romeo bit his lip.

"Both. But also because it's a convertible and I like riding with the top down."

"That was a strangely innocent answer," Aron winced. "That's fucking weird coming from you."

"Do you want me to talk dirty about the car?"

"That's even weirder."

"Arooooon," Romeo whined. "The weather is so nice. I don't want to be cooped up in the house all day. Pretty please, daddy, take me for a ride?"

"Persistent little shit. The bucket is over there. I swear to god Romeo, if you scratch my car—"

"I'm a good boy," Romeo cried, clenching his fists in excitement. "I'm going to go change into something that won't weigh me down when it's wet."

Aron watched Romeo bounce away, shaking his head at the boy's excitement over something as simple as a promised car ride. It was truly something special.

But that daddy comment was even better.


Yeah I'm definitely back 😎

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