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By the time Romeo had changed, Aron was already sitting outside, his Porsche parked in the sunlight. The garden hose had been pulled out and the bucket filed with soapy water. All the cleaning supplies were neatly stacked in a small caddy right next to the bucket.

Aron had stretched out in a lounge chair, a stack of paperwork in his hands. With the way his house sat, the wide driveway to the garage looped around to the back. And with the way Romeo was dressed, Aron was glad they were out of sight from the neighbors.

Romeo pranced out in a pair of track shorts and a simple white tank top. He was all beautifully tanned skin and long toned muscles. Aron lowered his papers to watch him bend over to pick up the water hose. There was nothing seductive about his movements but that innocence made Romeo even more irresistible.

Because it was when he was completely natural, brown eyes blown wide and face oblivious to wandering eyes, that Aron found him truly captivating. Breathtaking.

"Don't have a heart attack, old man," Romeo teased, spraying the car down with water. "I'd hate to call Life Alert when you said we'd go on a drive."

"Stop rambling and get to your chores," Aron deadpanned. "Or else no rewards."

Romeo pouted and threw the hose down, picking up the soapy sponge from the bucket. He leaned over the hood of the car, spreading his legs and arching his back, as he squeezed soap out of the sponge. Aron raised an eyebrow, neglecting his actual work, to pay better attention to the show being put on.

Romeo was doing a half-assed job of cleaning, as to be expected. Aron could see streaks and he kept forgetting to rinse. But within minutes Romeo was soaked and his thin clothes clung to his body, accentuating the dips of his lean muscles.

Aron watched it all shamelessly, his papers lying loose between his fingers. Romeo looked over his shoulder as he wiped down a window. With a grin, he reached for his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside. Aron raised his eyebrows, pupils blown in interest and arousal because holy shit, Romeo's body looked even better in the light with droplets of water trickling down his muscular back.



Aron shook himself from his unblinking stare. "What?"

"I thought you said something," Romeo said, spraying the car down with water. "I think I'm just about done."

"You did a shitty job," Aron sighed. Romeo threw down the water hose and turned to glare Aron down. "But I'll give you an A for looking good."

Romeo certainly perked up at Aron's words. Running a hand through his hair, to push back his wet fringe, Romeo proudly strutted over to Aron. The moment he leaned on the edge of the lawn chair, Aron let his papers slip from his fingers and onto the grass.

"So do I get my reward, daddy?" Romeo hummed, straddling Aron's waist. He may have been soaking wet and making a mess, but Aron found touching him impossible to resist. He rested his hands on Romeo's waist, fingers lingering over the top of his shorts.

He was pleased by the sight of the growing bulge poking through the thin shorts. "I think you should get a little treat before we go."

Romeo gripped the back of the chair and moaned at Aron's breath against his bare chest.

"Do I get daddy's cock?"

Aron may be enchanted with Romeo's innocence, but he easily fell prey to the boy's deliberant seductiveness, too.

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