Drew and May blush.

"Let's go now or we'll run out of time..." said Serena.

"Careful not to day dream this time okay, Drew?" asked Dawn, giggling.

"Dawn! Leave him alone!" said May.

"Uh... Look at her, defending her boyfriend..." said Dawn with a mocking voice.

"Dawn! Leave her alone!" said Drew, blushing.

"And now the boyfriend comes to the rescue!" said Dawn, giggling.

"Come on guys!" said Serena.

"Let's go..." said Serena while pulling Dawn.

May and Drew go after Serena and Dawn.

They arrive at the cafeteria.

They order snacks and drinks.

They sit down on a table and start to eat.

Drew isn't eating.

May notices this.

"Drew? Is there something wrong?" asked May, worried.

Drew doesn't answer.

"Drew? Are you okay?" asked May, in a louder tone.

Drew snaps back to reality.

"Uh... Sorry..." said Drew.

"Are you okay?" asked May, worried.

Serena and Dawn notice this but don't say a word.

"I'm alright..." said Drew, blushing.

"Why aren't you eating?" asked May, worried.

"I was just... Thinking about..." said Drew, blushing.

"Thinking about what?" asked May.

"About... Things..." said Drew, still blushing.

"About which things?" asked May.

"About... About... About..." Drew stuttered.

"I need a break... I will be back in no time..." said Drew, getting up and leaving the cafeteria.

"Drew... Wait!" said May, following Drew.

Serena and Dawn look to each other.

"Was he..." Dawn was asking.

"I think so..." said Serena, interrupting Dawn.

"Do you think she will go with him or stay with us?" asked Dawn.

"Honestly... I have no clue..." said Serena, shaking her head.

"I guess we'll wait and see..." said Dawn.

Serena nods.

While this conversation was happening, May was catching up with Drew.

Drew stops and starts to look to the sky.

May sees this.

"Drew!" shouted May.

Drew turns to see May.

May gets closer to Drew.

"Drew? What happened?" asked May.

Drew blushes.

"Come on! You can count on me! What is happening?" asked May.

Drew takes a deep breath.

"Drew? What happened?" asked May.

Serena's Sun and MoonWhere stories live. Discover now