Cherry blossom tree

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Jiang cheng's pov:

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have ran away but-" Jin ling eyes widen when he realises that his uncle is hugging himmm

"U..uncle? Are you feeling ok"

"Yeah, I'm just glad you are back"
Jin ling hugs back

"Aw isn't this cute uncle hugging his nephew" Wei ying says

"WEI WUXIAN" jiang cheng looks angry and walks over to Wei wuxian

"Aw is jiang chenny mad" he pouts at the younger

"Wei ying don't push the boulder over the edge"

"What boulder?"

"That's it" Jiang cheng goes to hit Wei ying when his arm gets pulled back.

"Uncle, there is no need for violence"

"Hm" jiang cheng lets his arm down but still kick Wei ying in the shin

"Ow, jiang cheng you bitch" Jiang cheng smirks as he walks away. Jiang cheng didn't know where he was going but he wanted to go to the cherry blossom tree round the back of Gusu, he made his way up the hill then stopped.

He was about to walk away because someone else was there

"Wanyin, you can come sit with me"

"Uh, no it's ok, I don't want to disturb you"

"Wanyin do I look disturbed to you"

"" jiang cheng walked over to Lan xichen and sat next to him.

Lan xichen looks over at Jiang cheng

"I didn't know you knew about this place?"

"Am I not allowed to know?"

"Well... your not really supposed to be here"

"Oh, should I leave?"

"No no, it's just only our clan is showed this place because they didn't want anyone trashing it"

"I wouldn't do that, it's such a lovely tree"

"I know you wouldn't that's why I asked you to sit with me" Jiang cheng blushes, he then rests his head on Lan xichens shoulder.

"Out of all the shoulders I have leaned on yours is the most comfortable, Lan xichen laughs

"jiang cheng, how many shoulders have you leant on?"

"Uh..... Two"

"Oh my god, who knew sect leader jiang could be funny"

"Oi" jiang cheng slaps Lan xichens thigh

"How did you discover this place then or when did you discover it?"

"Uh I found it when I was looking for Wei ying because remember when him and Wangji went missing I came across this place, I though it was cute" Lan xichen looks at Jiang cheng

"you look tired"


"I'm not being rude just, you look it"
Jiang cheng pouts.

"can I rest on your lap?"


Lan xichens's Pov:

Jiang cheng was sleeping on his lap his snores were so cute the cutest thing Xichen has ever heard he wanted to keep their relationship unknown to anyone right now even though Xichen is 36 (I wanted to make him a bit younger) his uncle still looks after him like he is 12 which pissed Lan xichen off, he would love to marry jiang cheng one day but he has to get his uncles blessing.

Which kinda sucked for Lan xichen because his uncle doesn't want him and jiang cheng to get married, if he knew about their relationship he would probably ban jiang cheng out of the Lan clan or even worse stop Lan xichen from seeing him.

Jiang cheng burried his head into Lan xichens legs but jiang cheng brought his hand up, Lan xichen thinks he doesn't realise his hand was on His dick but to Lan xichen it felt......nice.

Lan xichen started to blush at the thought that this felt nice, he wanted to move jiang chengs hand but at the same time didn't want to, he ended up moving jiang chengs hand.

Few hours later

Jiang chengs pov:

Jiang cheng wakes up to cherry blossom flowers falling on his face he silently giggles at the flows falling he look over to his left to see Lan xichen looking up at the tree aswell, Lan xichen looks down at Jiang Cheng.

"the kitten has awoken" Lan xichen teased


"You snore like a cat"

"I snore?"

"Yeah, it's really cute" Jiang cheng blushes

"t...thanks I guess" Jiang cheng sits up and sits next to Lan xichen

"Wanyin it's 5pm we should make it back for dinner, would you like anything pacific?"

"Hhmmm, what is there"

"We will see when we get back"

"Ok" Lan xichen gets up first, before Jiang cheng could get up Lan xichen picks him up bridal style and walks back down the hill.

Just before they have made it to the entrance Lan xichen lets Jiang cheng walk on his own.

After dinner

Narrator pov:

The two men walk back to the room jiang cheng closes the door behind them.

"It's 8pm we have 1 hour" jiang cheng whispers

Lan xichen walks over picks up jiang cheng and places his on top of him

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Lan xichen starts to take off his robes and jiang cheng does the same. Jiang cheng starts to kiss Lan xichen making his way from his lips down to his neck to his chest his stomach and lower
Soft moans come out of Lan xichens mouth

"Lan huan don't be to loud don't want the youngers to hear"
Jiang cheng starts to prepare himself.

Ok I'm gonna stop it there let your imagination think what happens next

Word count

Cant stop this feeling LXC X JC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now