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⚠️Mentions blood⚠️

(Jiang cheng and Lan xichen share a bed)

Lan Xichen's pov

It was 5am and it was raining which means Lan Xichen has to be quick to get places but not run as it is prohibited. Lan Xichen put on his robes tied his head ribbon on and did his hair ready to go.

Lan xichen is going to talk to his uncle about what he said to Jiang cheng yesterday, it was to late by the time he got back to cloud recesses it was already 9pm, so him and jiang cheng just went to bed.
Lan Xichen Entered his uncles room and bowed, "uncle, I would like to talk to you about a matter that happened yesterday"

"And what shall that be?"

"Well yesterday in the sect meeting you said something to Jiang cheng" Lan xichen brought it up

"Oh yes, that he will not marry you"

"Well about that" he spoke


"Uncle, I would like to marry jiang cheng"

"...... WHAT!!" He shouted

"I would like to marry jiang cheng"


"What? Why not it's my decision" he exclaimed

"ITS NOT YOUR DECISION" His uncle shouted

"ITS MY MARRIAGE" Lan xichen raised his voice

"WELL YOUR MY NEPHEW" he shouted

Someone swings open the door

"Why are we shouting" Lan wangji asked peacefully

"Don't worry" Lan Xichen pushes past Lan wangji and goes back to his room


"Leave him, he needs to think about his actions" He spat


Wei wuxian's Pov

"Lan Zhan"


"It's thundering" he stated

"No shit Sherlock" wei wuxian looked confused

"Who is Sherlock?" Wei asked

"Don't worry, but yes it's thundering" he smirked slightly, wow he loves wei so much.

"Do you think jiang Cheng will be ok"


"Jiang cheng hates thunder" he stated

"Oh, I'm sure he will be ok" Lan xichen walks past hearing their conversation

"Jiang chengs scared of thunder?" Lan Xichen asked

"Yeah" Wei confirmed

"Why is he scarred" The older brother asked

"Our mum used to tell us that Thunder will make the sky break and everyone will get hurt" he started to tell

"Oh, I guess that stuck with jiang cheng"

"Yeah it did, because after that she did a horrible thing"


"She grabbed Goats blood wiped herself in it and the thunder was really loud collapsed in front of jiang cheng"

"Oh my, why would some one do that"

"She wanted Jiang cheng to not fear death or something"


"It also didn't help the night our parents died it was raining and thundering"

"I'm gonna go see is Jiang cheng is ok"

"Lan xichen I'll come too"

"I might aswell come" Lan Zhan gets dragged by Wei

"Lan xichen this is your room?"

"I know"

"But we need Jiang chengs room"

"There are no other rooms"


"Come In just be quite I think jiang cheng is sleeping"

"Buts its past 5am"

"Well uncle won't know" The three men walk into the room silently.

Jiang cheng coverd with the Blanket on the bed
'BANG' a loud bang of thunder hit, jiang cheng flinched under the covers.

Lan Xichen walks round to the other side of the bed and lifts the blanket, he gets into the bed under the blanket.

Lan Xichen's pov

Once he was in the bed he wrapped his hands around jiang cheng waist and held him tightly to make him feel safe.

Jiang cheng turned round to face Lan xichen and buried his face into the others chest, Lan Xichen's chest immediately became wet from Jiang chengs tears.

"Lan Huan" Jiang cheng spoke softly but scared

"Yeah" he peaked his head out

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Yes I'm fine" he lied

"That's good" Jiang cheng lifted his head out to see wei wuxian and Lan Zhan

"Why are they here?" Wei ying jumped back and hid behind Lan Zhan.

There was a moments of awkward silence but then Lan Zhan broke the awkward silence

"Wei ying wanted to come check on you to make sure you were ok"

Jiang cheng took the blanket off of him
"Its to hot"

"Agreed" Lan Xichen replied

Wei wuxians eyes glowed up he looks like he might explode.

"Wei ying" Lan Zhan says while trying to hold his husband back.

Wei starts to point towards Jiang chengs waist which Lan Xichens arms are wrapped around.


"Wei ying don't shout" Jiang cheng immediately pulled the covers back over.

Lan Zhan picks Wei ying up and walks out of the room

"You two enjoy the space while you can"

"L...Lan Zhan do not say such thi-"
Jiang cheng was cut off by Lan xichens lips on his neck

"Let's just enjoy this moment"

Word count

Cant stop this feeling LXC X JC [COMPLETED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum