The love streangthens

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Jiang chengs pov:

Jiang cheng had to get lifted out because he hurt his leg, while Lan xichen climbed up the rope.

"Jin ling is still missing" jiang cheng said looking at the ground in guilt

"We will find him don't worry"

"What if we don't, WHAT IF HE IS DEAD, THIS IS ALL MY FAULT IF I HADN'T TOLD HIM OFF HE WOULDN'T HAVE RAN AWAY" Tears rushed down jiang chengs face like a water fall Wei goes over to comfort jiang cheng, jiang cheng just needed a hug at this time.

Lan xichen really wanted to hug him but they had both promised to not say anything about their relationship to any one yet.

"Jiang cheng are you ok?" Wei asks looking at his brother with concern.

"Yeah I'm just fine just had to let some emotions out you know"

"Yeah, I'm gonna walk ahead with Lan Zhan ok"

"Yeah, you go" Wei ying rushes over to Lan Zhan and gives him a big hug wrapping his hands around Lan Zhan a waist, Lan Zhan place his hang over Wei wuxian holding his arm in his hand.

Lan Xichen stayed behind with Jiang cheng

"You Ok?"

"Yeah" jiang cheng muttered


Jiang cheng grabbed Lan xichen and pulled him behind some bushes, Jiang cheng kissed Lan xichen, Lan Xichen deepened the kiss then they heard talking.

"Yeah I gotta pee too" wei ying shouts to Lan Zhan

"Ok be quick"

"Crap" jiang cheng pushed Lan Xichen into another bush

"Jiang cheng"


"Uh the uh I came from a place"

"Uh ok then, am i not aloud to pee in peace"

"Yeah sorry, I just wondered if Lan xichen was with you"

"No he went over there" jiang cheng pointed to the bush that Lan xichen was standing by

"Oh ok, don't want to leave Lan zhanny to long"

Jiang cheng looked like he was going to throw up because of the others words.

Lan xichens pov:
Few hours later

Lan xichen decided to eat dinner with Jiang cheng, for dinner they had Chǎofàn (Fried rice)

It was against the rules of the Lan clan to talk while eating so no words were exchanged while the two males ate.

After they finished eating jiang cheng got up to leave.

"Thank for the mea-" he was cut of by Lan xichens lips against his. Lan xichen caried Jiang cheng to the bed (bridal posistion) Lan xichen deepend the kiss and placed Jiang cheng on the bed, Lan xichen was on top of Jiang cheng, jiang cheng reached up and pulled Lan Xichens head ribbon off throwing it on the floor.

Few hours later (near 9pm)

Jiang chengs pov:

The two males laid next to each other on the bed holding their hands.

"Jiang cheng"


"Are we a thing now"

"Uh...sure" Lan xichens leans in a kisses jiang cheng on the cheek

"It's near 9pm"


Jiang cheng got up and put his clothes on, "I'm gonna go to my room before any one sees me"

"Ok, love you" Lan xichen whispers

"Love you too Lan Huan" he whispers back

Jiang cheng creeps out of the older's room and makes his way to his room, he didn't even relise Lan xichens head ribbon was around his wrist

"I thought in threw this on the floor?"
Jiang cheng took the ribbon off around his wrist and placed it in a draw under his spear clothes.

Lan xichens pov:

Lan Xichen blushed at Jiang cheng calling him Lan Huan, no one ever called him by his birth name not even his parents, his parents favourited Wangji anyway.

Lan Xichen knew that his uncle also preferred Wangji to him, he let Wangji get married so young and to someone he loved their uncle would always force girls onto Lan Xichen and he had to see if he liked them or not, he never liked any of them.

Lan Xichen pulled the thin blanket over him self and went to sleep.


Cant stop this feeling LXC X JC [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt