Chapter 12: Fire Elemental

Start from the beginning

Peter landed on the carousel, but the elemental followed him and hit where Peter stood. The blow threw Peter to the other side of the square, and he hit the ground pretty rough. I ran over to him, and helped him up.

"Oh my god!" was all I could yell, but Peter didn't look at me. And it hit me.

It has metal. The carousel.

"No, Beck! He's got the carousel! He's getting bigger!" Peter yelled, and we both ran towards the monster, trying to get him away from the rest of the metal. Beck used his powers to keep the elemental occupied, when all of a sudden I heard a voice.

"Night Monkey! Night Monkey help!" Who?

I looked up to see Ned and Betty stuck at the top of a Ferris Wheel behind Peter.

"Shit! Peter, behind you!" I yelled, and he turned around.

"Oh no," he said quietly. He turned back to see the elemental getting closer to him. Peter tried shooting his webs at it, but they just burned up. Shit!

I ran towards him to try and get it away from Peter, but he was about to strike down on him. I ran faster than I ever had and pushed Peter out of the way, and was ready to get hurt. But, nothing happened. I looked up, and Beck was next to me, putting a protective shield around us. The elemental kept striking the top of it, but it never busted through.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"On to plan B?" he asked.

"Yep," I confirmed.

"We got to hit him with something he can't absorb!" Peter yelled through the mic.

"I go left, you go right," Beck told me, and suddenly broke the force field. I ran towards the right, and saw that Peter had gotten up from when I pushed him, and swung himself towards the buildings, the elemental following him.

The fire made its way up behind Peter as he climbed up a building. Shit, he won't make it! When suddenly, he back flipped around the fire , and slung a web onto a pole to catch himself.

Oh my god, how many times has Peter almost died?!

"Okay shoot him!" Peter yelled, as Beck flew up behind him and shot the elemental with his powers. The monster roared in pain from the blow.

"That hurt him! Keep it coming!" I yelled.

Peter slung a large bit of broken concrete towards the elemental, hitting it right in the chest, as Beck then shortly after fired his powers on the weak spot.

"Spiderman, keep your distance!" he yelled.

"I'm trying!"

"We can't let him get near the Ferris wheel," Beck said. Oh my god.

Ned and Betty. They are still up there.

The elemental threw down its fist to the ground, and created a large crack in the foundation. The Ferris wheel tipped and I heard screams.

I ran towards the elemental and drove it away from the Ferris wheel, then ducking behind a building for protection. Beck fought the monster and kept it away from the Ferris wheel, while Peter tried to shoot a web towards it, to keep it from falling. I watched from the building, that when Peter tried to latch onto the Ferris wheel, something fell from the air, and crash landed near me.

I looked behind me before going to pick it up. What the hell was this? And where did it come from? No time! I held it tightly, and ran back to see Peter shooting webs to prevent the Ferris wheel from completely tipping over.

I noticed a few black cars pull up to the scene, and Nick Fury got out of one of them. I checked back on the elemental, and saw Beck hitting it repeatedly.

"That's it! Nice, nice! You got him!" Peter cheered, as Beck threw his powers onto the elemental.

My face turned to horror when I saw an entire mental building type fall onto the monster, and it started to grow again.

"No, no, no!" Beck yelled.

"Y/N! Get out of here! It's too dangerous!" Peter yelled into his mic.

"I'm not leaving!" I yelled back.


I watched as Beck removed his helmet, and looked over to Peter.

"Whatever happens...I'm glad we met," he said. Oh no.

"Beck! What are you doing?!" Peter yelled.

"What I should have done last time," he said, putting his helmet back on. My heart sank.

"No! Beck!" I yelled in terror, as I watched him become surrounded by his green energy, and he launched himself right into the heart of the monster.

"Beck!!!!" Peter and I both yelled.

The monster started to turn green instead of its flame orange, as it fell to its knees and exploded into green particles. Peter lept down from the Ferris wheel and I ran over to him.

We both spotted Beck's body, and ran over to it.

"Mr. Beck?!" Peter cried out. I turned him over and saw him breathing. He opened his eyes and saw the two of us.

"Oh thank god," Peter said, as we both realized he was still alive. Peter helped him up, and turned to me. We embraced in a long hug.

"I can't believe you almost died for me," he whispered into my ear.

"I can't believe you almost died like 10 times," I breathed. He chuckled a bit.

"You're okay?" he asked.


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