Part 16

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John's POV

A week

Ringo has been gone for a week now.

The group was slowly falling apart, George was a mess, Paul and I had more and more arguments and I won't even start about what Brian did to us. I was mentally and physically exhausted. I couldn't do it anymore, it was all too much. But it soon would be over. Today Pete would come to discus some songs. Today we would confront him. The lads wanted to call the police, but I told them I could handle it on my own. So it was settled, the three of us were very nervous. If we let him mistake Ringo's life would be over. We didn't tell Brian about this. I think we actually haven't talked about him after what happened.

''Pete will be here any second now.'' Paul's face was very nervous.

George stood up. ''Let's get our drummer back.'' With that he walked out and we followed. Brian saw us walking and quickly caught up, he didn't say anything though. The four of us walked to the room where we were supposed to meet Pete. He was already sitting in a stool, trying to be innocent.

''Hello boys, how's it going?'' I immediately wanted to pin him to the ground, demanding to say where Ringo was, but I had to follow our plan.

''Hey Pete, We're good, how about you.'' I tried to be as friendly as possible.

''Well, I'm good, you're good. How amazing!'' I had to admit, he was pretty good at pretending to be someone else. ''I wanted to ask you guys something before we are going to work on songs.''

''Yes you can ask us anything.'' Paul was much better at being friendly.

''What is going on with Ringo?'' Why couldn't I already punch him. ''I mean I know he is being held hostage, but did you find some clues?''

''No unfortunately we did not.''

''How unfortunate, I really hope you will find the lad. I have spent a lot of time with him in Hamburg Y'know.'' George started forming fists out of frustration. ''He was super nice to me, I don't understand how somebody could do something that bad to him.''

''I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!'' The four of us looked at George in confusion.

''Ehm of course, if you have to go, you have to go hehe.'' Brian chuckled nervously.

''I will accompany you George.'' Paul said.

''Eh... Me as well.''

''Oh than I will discuss some things with Pete.''

''We will be back in a minute haha.'' Paul tried to make it less awkward, but that didn't work. The three of us walked out of the room, leaving a very confused Brian behind.

''I can't do this.'' George began after we ran to the toilet.

''We just have to keep this up, until John finds a good moment to... confront them.''

''Why can't we just do it right now?'' George was the most nervous I have ever seen him.

''I don't know, we just know it when we know it alright.'' Paul tried to sound calm, but I knew him to well.

''And that time is now.'' The two of them looked my way with shock. I expected Paul to tell me no, that it was too early, but he surprised me.

''You're right.'' He stood up. ''Come on guys, time to get our drummer back.''

We walked over to the door. The door to the room where Brian and Pete were talking. To the room that would give us answers. I looked to George and Paul who gave me a nod of approval and opened the door.

''Lads, you're back.''

''Not now Brian.''

''Oh... Wha... what do you mean John?''

''I have a question for Pete.''

''You can ask me anything John.'' Pete said with his innocent smile, while he stood up to be at my eye level. All the anger from the past week rushed over me. I grabbed him by his collar and pushed him to the wall, holding him there.

''You're gonna tell us where Ringo is.''

''Lads, you have to sent John to anger management, because this is not normal.'' He chuckled.

''Answer. The. Question. Pete.'' George spat.

''Fine.'' His face turned very dark. ''If you want answers you can get them.''

''What did you do to Ringo!?'' Paul joined our conversation.

''I just gave him what he deserved.'' I let him go and started to back away so he could explain. ''You threw me out of the band!''

''Whatever we did wasn't Ringo's fault.''

''Well that's not how I see it. I'm sure you found the pictures that showed his punishm-.''

''It's done Pete, the police is here to arrest you.'' Brian suddenly came walking in to the room. I hadn't even noticed he had left to call the cops.

''There are cops behind this door Pete, it's over.'' For the first time in a while I looked at Brian with a smile.

''You're gonna tell us now where you are keeping Ringo.'' I expected Pete looking defeated, angry or I don't know, but he looked like he was having fun. He started to laugh.

''What is so funny?'' I tried to sound threatening, but I was scared.

''Sorry guys, really.'' He sounded like he was laughing at a joke. ''It's just funny that you think that you have won.''

''Well I think it is clear that you lost.''

''Paul, could you be a dear and check the time for me?''

''I... I?'' He looked at me to seek for support, I just nodded.

''Well, it's 4 O'clock right now, but why?''

''Perfect.'' His eyes were the darkest I have ever seen them. ''You know, I didn't do this all by myself.'' He looked at Brian. ''Brian knows him, right Brian?''

''You... you mean Flint?''

''You really thought I didn't know about your little conversation in the hallway. I know everything Brian. So I made sure to have this little meeting today.''

''Just tell us where Ringo is!''

''Those pictures weren't enough to keep you from ruining the plan.''

''What plan?''

''The plan to let me be your drummer again. It would be so simple and it would have worked if you didn't find the pictures. But it doesn't matter, you can't have everything.''

''We would never have let you be our drummer!''

''Let's be real Paul, you trusted me before you found the pictures. It would have been easy, after you had heard about that drummers boy his death, I would be the next drummer.''

''You're sick and you lost.''

''You know, it would have been nice to claim my place in the band, but in about 10 minutes Flint will see I haven't come home. Which means he knows he can kill Ringo.''

No comments. Till the next part guys :>

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