ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇᴘᴛ ᴏf ᴅᴇsᴛɪɴʏ; 003

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When Aerum was seven, her mother had a dream

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When Aerum was seven, her mother had a dream. Aerum was running through a field of tulips at dusk, at first her mother believed she was playing, but she soon realized Aerum was running from something. Behind her was a dark figure, a large man with entirely faded facial features, his body lean as he was tall and his hair was dark. Her mother couldn't move, all she could do was watch her daughter as she ran away from this unknown man. Aerum kept running as fast as she could, until eventually coming to a halt, she turned to look the man in the eye, causing him to disappear. Not long after that Aerum's parents took her to the doctor due to her seemingly high fever accompanied by continuous sweating as well as severe chest ache. The doctors diagnosed her of atherosclerosis, which they explained was a heart disease that was responsible for her blocked arteries. Her father took this quite hard, he wasn't able to bear the fact his daughter had to face this much pain, a pain she would have to deal with for the rest of her life. Her mother however had no reaction, she believed that what was happening to her daughter was something that was meant to come her way, a statement which began to strain her relationship with Aerum's father. In truth her mother believed the man in her dream was the Reaper of death, and he was trying to take her daughter away, but as soon as she turned around and faced him rather than running away from him terrified, he had finally went away. When she told this to her family Aerum's father rolled his eyes.

"you're actually using a dream as an excuse to justify what's happening to our daughter"

"I'm not justifying anything -I'm saying maybe this was meant to happen"

Anytime her parents would argue, Kosuke would shelter her from them. He would take her to their room and give her his headphones, he'd let her play games on his laptop and watch old cartoons like Tom & Jerry, and for a while it would work, for a couple of months while she was sick, Kosuke had managed to distract her from the loud arguments of her parents, but he couldn't make her forget the fact they were arguing because of her.

In truth she hadn't spoken to her parents since she got back to the Hospital, and they hadn't spoken to each other since they were seven. Maybe this was her destiny, maybe she was destined to be here in this hospital, she wasn't sure why, but so far her best guess was to protect Hangyeol. Aerum stood on the rooftop of the hospital, a spot which she had discovered a few years back, and watched the stars, she had noticed a few people walk by below her, and enjoyed giving them backstories. The woman in the red dress and a dark flannel was an aspiring fashion model, a career she enjoyed until she discovered the beauty of the paint brush, and left all that behind to own an art gallery. As for the man in the large trench coat, he was a sharp detective, ever since he was a little kid and had picked up his first Sherlock Holmes novel, he aspired to become as skilled as he was, and he was on his way. If she had any talent, she would write a song about the sky, she would write stories about the people below her, maybe she would some day. She stayed like that the entire night, watching the sky turn blue and the stars disappear, she knew she should go back before Nurse Han made her rounds if she wanted to avoid a scolding.
As she walked back to her corridor she could hear shuffling coming from the opposite end of the hall, and immediately she new it was Nurse Han. Aerum began to panic, she turned around only to accidentally bump into a medical cart, the crash caused the footsteps to approach faster. She began spinning around, panicking as she opened the door to Jin's room, the loud noise of her bustling in waking him almost immediately.

"What the fu-''

Aerum shushed at him and aimed a flip flop at his head which conveniently was close to the door. Aerum was backed into the wall as Nurse Han burst through the door. "What's going on here? I heard a noise" Aerum looked at her back with wide eyes as Jin's mouth formed the shape of an 'o'.

"Uh, I was just.. I couldn't sleep so I was just messing around you know" he said laughing nervously. Nurse Han walked towards the thrown slipper on Jin's bed, which Aerum took as an opportunity to slip out from behind the door and back into the hallway. The girl paced through the hall and almost made it to the room, before the opening of a door next to hers and the tall figure that came out of it crashed into her, causing her to stumble in her path. The figure was unaffected by her crashing into him, especially considering she was half his size, luckily she managed to prevent herself from falling over. Aerum spun back around in anticipation once again hearing Nurse Han's footsteps draw neared to her, she turned back to the tall man infront of her. "I'm sorry" she whispered sharply as she brushed past him, shutting the door behind her before hurriedly making her way under the covers.

Namjoon watched as the girl from the rooftop rushed past him as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. Nurse Han came from around the corner "Namjoon? What are you doing up" he looked at her before rubbing his neck sheepishly "uh, I may have accidentally knocked over the vase on my nightstand" Nurse Han looked at him with blank eyes "how the hell did you knock it off your nightstand'' Namjoon shuffled his feet awkwardly and did his best to avoid eye contact "well- I was sleeping and I was kinda rolling around I guess and I must have knocked it off, the sound kind of woke me up- I'm sorry" Nurse Han smiled "no worries, just be more careful next time, I'll go clean it up so you can get back to sleep, just go back in and give me a minute please" Namjoon nodded and went back to his bed as Nurse Han pursed her lips. She walked towards Aerum's room and cautiously opened the door, she made her way in to see Aerum sleeping peacefully under the covers. She shrugged as she closed the window blinds, hiding the sunlight from her room as she made her way out of the room, the minute she closed the room Aerum sighed in relief, and continued tossing and turning  before closing her eyes, falling into a restless sleep.

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