Chapter 39

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Tigger Warning


The Justice League was in aw. Two of the most terrifying men in the world were working together. If they weren't seeing with their own eyes, the League wouldn't have believed it. Batman and Slade stood nearly side by side at the computer going over and over where the Court of Owls could have taken the team and Dick.

"They have to be within a six hour radios." Slade said aloud, "They brought their best, meaning they won't last more than six hours out of their crio pods."

"Gotham is within that radios." Batman declared.

Slade grunted, "Seeing that they have a jet, the radios could be all the way to Nevada at the most."

"What if they didn't go anywhere?" Superman injected.

The two men paused taking in the suggestion.

"The League was here long enough for them to create a base near here." Slade muttered.

Batman typed away, "But where?"

Slade pulled up a 3D map of the area as Batman looked at reports in the area.

"A sharp increase of wealthy residents started companies and retail in 2003. The same year the League formed and we made the Cave." Batman stated.

Slade walked around the 3D hologram rendering of Happy Harbor and the forests around it, "Here."

Batman walked over, "A road but no building."

"Storm building." Slade moved the hologram around to show a small brick looking building, "Dick talked about it. He went out there for class. The teacher said that it went under ground as well as was sealed in case of tsunami or flooding. Dick said there was a cave system in the mountain there."

The mountain Slade indicated was only a few miles away from the Cave. The Cave was carved out of a lone mountain away from the chain of mountains to the west. This mountain was in the chain.

"How are we to look in a mountain?" Green Arrow drawled.

Slade looked up glaring with his one eye, "First of all, we're not looking in a mountain. We need to look under. Second, we don't have to do anything," Slade points to Superman, "You have a moving x-ray device right there."

Superman thought about it, "I can only go down so much."

"You can look up into a skyscraper from the ground. You can look into the earth for a distortion."

Batman nodded, "He's right."

Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, put a finger in his ear and twisted, "Can you say that again Batman. I don't think I heard that right."

"Slade Willson, Deathstroke the Terminator is correct." Batman stated slowly.

Superman nodded, "Alright then. Let's go find the Team and Dick and get them back."

"Hopefully before Cobb gets in a mood." Slade muttered.

Batman nodded once, "Agreed."

~ ~ ~

Dick felt blind panic shoot up his spine as Talon let the leather uncoil from his belt. The thing dropped with only a soft thud and a soft ting, as the metal tip hit the floor. Dick grabbed hold of the chains holding him, trying to pull them out of the sockets on the wall. The wall crumbled a little but the sockets held firm.

Talon laughed softly, "What is it Gray Son? Scared of a little punishment? In my opinion you should get more but we need you alive and not physically impaired." With a flick of his wrist, the leather whip cracked, leaving behind a scaring slash on the wall above Conner's head.

Dick couldn't hide his flinch.

"Now it all depends on how many you get." Talon mused, "I think fifty two times, multiplying it by four sessions. One lash for each week that you were gone. Fitting. We could do one for each day."

Dick felt his resolve falling and crumbling to nothing. 'No, just hold out until Slade gets here,' Dick told himself but a thought ate away at him, 'What if he doesn't come?'

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