~Case: In Progress~

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, with Aizawa, the first place he checked out was the kitchen. Everything was in place. The chocolate on the counter, the knives in the knife holder, the apron was hanging on the wall. Finding nothing, he walked away.

The next room he entered seemed to be a shared bedroom. The walls were black with painted-on hearts of 7 different colors. Both beds were identical with red blankets and white pillows. One side of the room was covered in drawings of a specific group of people with mutant quirks. There were only two non-mutants featured in the drawings that seem to be Frisk and another child. In more than half of the drawings, the non-mutants were crossed out in red.
On the middle wall was a window along with hanging objects. Why she has a trident way bigger than herself? He doesn't know. What catches his attention though is the fact that the other side is more empty, with the exception of yellow-striped green sweaters and an empty plant pot. What also catches his attention is the fact that someone else lives there with Frisk. He didn't hear anything about that. Sighing, he moved onto the next room.

Next was a room that had a purple-striped, blue door. Inside it was a bunch of musical instruments, a mic, and a computer. He guessed that she must really like music. In actuality, she plays and records the tunes that she always hears throughout her journeys in the Underground, along with the song that she sang in the corridor. Speaking of which, Chara liked the tune so much that he wrote down his own rendition of it but didn't let her see the finished product.
Finding nothing important, he closed the door and walked away.

He entered the room at the other side of the hall and found a bathroom. It was, well, a bathroom.
It had all the normal necessities. Shampoo, conditioner, soap, bandaids, toothbrushes, nothing out of the ordinary. Again, finding nothing, he walked away.

As he walked past the restricted door, his gaze lingers on the doorknob. It's as if something was pulling him towards it. Brushing off the feeling, he made his way back to the living room. That was when he noticed something off in the kitchen.

Back on the red couches.
"Everyday, I get sent 50,000¥" Truth. "By wh-" "Ok, my turn to ask questions." Aizawa cut him off, only getting a kind smiles and their full attention. He sat down next to Tsukauchi on the blood red couch.
"First question, who is this other person that lives here?" The question stunned the detective as he was not told about another person.
"Dreemurr Chara. Known him since we were both 8." Truth. So two kids live together with no parental guidance. Dreemurr-San could be a suspect.
"Next question, where is Dreemurr-San at the moment?"
"He'll be here soon." Truth .
"Ok. Where were you 5 days ago? And where was Dreemurr-San?" Frisk paused before asking her own question.
"What time?"
"At 7:58, where were you?"
"Golden Park." She replied with no hesitation. "Chara was home, on the couch and emptying our chocolate supply." So Chara is a prime suspect.

Frisk's breath hitched momentarily as she noticed something from behind the adults. The action went unnoticed by only one.

"Why are you here? I don't think-" Frisk was partially panicking and was cut off quite abruptly.
"Last question." Aizawa narrowed his eyes "Earlier, I saw that the knife holder was full. Now a knife's missing. Why is that?-"

(Chara POV)

Imagine coming home later than usual and finding the one you care for being questioned by a grown man who might have intentions to harm them. That's exactly what happened for me.

The line at the convenient store was out of stock but we were running low on chocolate so I went to the one on the other side of town. If I had known that people were coming over, I would've come home earlier and gotten rid of them before Frisk got home.

What a shame. Guess they'll die. And right in front of Frisk too.

As I picked up the knife with my ghostly hand, my face changed into my insane look. I noticed a second man emerging from the hallway and quickly hid the opaque object. My eyes flashed in recognition as it was the man from the flower incident.
I knew he was a potential threat. I should've taken him out sooner.

I stood right behind the adults sitting on the couch while they were asking about me and put a finger to my lips when Frisk noticed me, telling her not to mention anything.

When the 'hero' mentioned something about a last question, I raised my the knife, ready to strike the one with a trench coat as I was unsure of what he could do. Then, as soon as the insomniac finished asking his last question, I swiped down.



Yo! Can I just say, I don't want to go back to school. School sucks. Avoiding that topic, how are y'all doing? Did you do something interesting? It's probably more interesting than my entire existence.
I'll say this now. I do not settle on one writing style so if something is different, try not to mind it. I also write at different speeds because this thing is basically just me practicing and experimenting. Anyone reading this is practically witnessing me try new things and ultimately failing.

Hope y'all are doing great today and if you're having a bad day/night, just remember that good and bad will almost always balance out. Bai Bai~

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