I never thought that our university classical concert hall could be this jaw-dropping. My eyes travel around the place as I watch in awe. It isn't that big, but it's beautiful and breathtaking. It's not just some hall being used to conduct classical concerts. It really is a classical concert hall -- built to accentuate the instruments' sound and where the different locations of seating would determine how good the audience would hear it. Sadly, the most ideal seatings have been booked by the special invitees -- the VIPs.

My heart leaps in excitement as the conductor enters the stage. He then bows to the audience. It's been so long since I watched a classical concert. Tonight will be a good one and a perfect distraction from that one particular guy.

The room becomes dead silent, and I hold my breath as they begin to play Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto in C Minor. It's one of my favourite classical compositions. What a brilliant choice of repertoire.

The pianist, as I've expected, is outstanding. He's skilful and has undoubtedly mastered advance techniques while still putting all of his emotions into the performance.

Soon, I find myself being pulled into the music. This piece of Rachmaninoff is so grande but also has this tragic aura.

I can't help but feel tragic too.

Like, my love life is so tragic? I've been single my entire life, and the moment I finally find the "perfect" guy, I push him off because of my insecurity and stupidity.

Bold that. Stupidity.

Did I make a mistake?

Why am I becoming such a coward? Who am I to judge Vaughn? I have no right to accuse him just because he's best friend with Jake, whom I've seen with many girls with no strings attached.

But then, imagining that he thinks of me as someone whom he wouldn't want to play around with seems crazy as well. I mean, I'm not that special. I can't be that special. Especially when his ex-girlfriend is that special.

God. My mind is playing with me right now.

How can a perfect and peaceful start with Rachmaninoff bring me back to that guy? Holy shit.

When the final movement of the piano concerto ends, I've already lost my sanity. So much for thinking that music can be my getaway.

The audiences clap as the orchestra members bow, and not long after that, we stand from our seats.

Stacey lets out a contented sigh. "That was marvellous, wasn't it?"

I just smile and nod in response, hiding the fact that my mind has practically ruined the mood during the performance.

"Come on." Stacey pulls my hand. "Let me introduce you to my amazing seniors."

I have no time to accept nor refuse as she drags me into the backstage, where all the members are still packing their instruments.

All heads snapped toward me, I can't help but feel nauseous.

"Hey, Stacey." A guy with jet black hair approaches us with a smile on his face. "I see that you brought your friend to cheer us on."

Someone whistles. "New girl did a good job." And they laugh, making Stacey's crimson blush appear on her cheeks.

"Aw guys, you did brilliant," she says. "By the way, this is my friend, Melanie," she introduces me to the black-haired guy. "Melanie, this is Andrew, first violin, our concertmaster. He's a sophomore."

Wow. A sophomore but already a concertmaster? That's awesome.

I smile at Andrew as we shake hands. "You're really talented. That was an amazing performance," I genuinely compliment him.

At first, he looks flabbergasted and rather hypnotized, but then he manages to compose himself. "Thank you," he replies, a bit stuttering.

I raise my brows. Is he nervous? Just because of a compliment?

Wait. Is he blushing?

That's a cute sight to see, actually. Completely different from another guy I have in my mind, whereas it usually happened the other way around. I wonder if this is what Vaughn saw every time he caught me losing my composure.

Some other team members say "Aw", and that makes all of us laugh. It makes me blush too because I didn't expect to be the centre of attention.

"That's not fair," someone bickers, and I turn my head to find a tall guy putting a cute pout at us. "Why does Andrew have to take all the credits? We all did great, didn't we?" He smirks.

My eyes widen as I immediately notice that he's the pianist.

"I'm Henry, by the way," he adds.

"Oh that was a sick performance you got there, Henry," I blurt out. "I was blown away. You really became one with the piano and the whole orchestra."

Another "Aw!" is heard, even louder, and now it is me and Henry whose faces flush.

"Stop it, guys. You're scaring her off," Henry mutters while Stacey laughs out loud.

"I remember you, Melanie," Henry says. "You wanted to join us." He's talking about the day after the clubs' promotion. "What changed your mind?"

I chuckle. "I'm just not into performing. I'm contented just by enjoying a good performance, but I still play the piano at home as a hobby."

"That's what I thought when I was back home in South Korea, but things changed when I first saw this orchestra," Henry says. "Anyway, we should celebrate tonight's performance and for Stacey in becoming an awesome new member." He smiles at me before winking at Stacey.

Stacey smirks. "Bring it on."

"We're all heading to a club later to celebrate," Henry informs. "Come join us?"

I'm contemplating whether I should accept the invitation or not when Stacey nudges me on the elbow. She then links her arm with mine and shoots me puppy eyes. "Come on. It will be fun," she begs. "Pretty please."

I stare at her hopeful expression and then toward Henry, who shares the same look on his face, before answering, "Alright."

And that makes Stacey squeal in delight, while the rest of the members cheer. I laugh, shaking my head in disbelief.

 I laugh, shaking my head in disbelief

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