There's always next time, I guess.

I start walking down the street towards the bus stop, the early November air embracing me deeply with every step. Everything was going great until I got a little too curious.

He shows up at her house unannounced, what does it mean? What is he talking to her about? It seemed very important. Maybe I should check up on her, I don't want him to abduct her or anything like that.

I quickly turn around and head back to Y/N's apartment building. However, instead of going where I will be seen, I walk to the backside of the apartments and continue to walk. I keep walking until I hear voices getting louder and louder. I can't really make out what's being said, but all I know is that I don't like the way it sounds. It sounds almost endearing to my ears. I pass her apartment building and deduce that they are walking. When I finally come closer, my suspicions become confirmed.

"I would love to go on a date with you." I hear her say. My heart thumps, I weirdly feel like my world is crashing down.

I don't know what is going on. Why is she going on a date with him? Why do I care? What is this feeling?

I slump my way back towards the bus stop, confusion in my eyes as I grip the documents in my hand.

Why do I feel like this?

I get to the bus stop and get on the bus.

Why did he ask her on a date?

I stare out the window when I get to my bus stop. I hop off and walk towards my home.

More importantly, why did she say yes?

I've been pondering the situation for so long that I didn't even realize that I was unlocking my front door until I walked inside the house and I felt the air get colder. My mind was too clouded with thoughts.

Why am I so upset?

I trudge upstairs to my room and fall onto my bed.

Why didn't I just let her take me home?

My heart starts to ache more.

Why did I get so damn curious?

I slap my forehead in irritation.

Why didn't she say no?

I crawl under my covers and hide under them. My face hits the pillow while my stomach is pressed against my mattress.

A date, huh? If she wanted one of those, she could've asked me. Why him?

A happy thought displays in my head.

I loved seeing how happy she was when we were rolling skating. I know it wasn't a date, but maybe... it could've been. It kind of felt like one.

I rub my eyes and come from under the covers. I turn my head to lay the side of my head on my pillow.

Does she not feel anything towards me at all? Does she think about me as much as I've been starting to think about her? I wish I knew. If only I could ask her myself.


Y/N staples a couple documents together and sets them down on her desk. She then looks at her computer and types a couple of things on her keyboard. Then, she looks at the desk top and writes something on top of the documents. We are preparing for yet another court trial next week. We are hoping that more preparation will ensure that we win this time. She thinks preparation is my only purpose in her office.

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