~A Second Chance~

Start from the beginning

Taking in my surroundings, I could pinpoint that it was currently midday and that we were enclosed in a field of healthy golden flowers.I couldn't see much over the trees that surrounded the field but I could tell that we were in a relatively busy place due to the sounds I could hear. If I couldn't tell from the chatter and car horns that filled the humid, polluted air, I'd say the fact that I could sense many souls in the surrounding area would be a huge hint.  I'd say we were in the middle of a large city.

Glancing to the side, I could see Chara (in his ghost form) sleeping on a the soft bed of flowers. I stared at him for a while before his eyes furrowed. Following the previous gesture, he opened his eyes and analysed the environment. My eyes softened as I knew that he'd wanted to be up here for a long time.

Gradually, I grew amused by the fact that he hadn't noticed me siting right next to him, so I decided to speak up. "You're finally awake" Damn, I really need a drink of water.

Startled by the sudden voice, his head whipped to look at me. After a few seconds of his staring, he leapt at me causing us to topple over.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" he repeated this many times. Tears rolled down his face as he promised he would never do it again. The action filled me with sadness and made me subconsciously tighten my grip on the hug.

"Don't apologise. We were both in the wrong. But... now that we're here, we have a second chance." This caused Chara to pull away and look at me in confusion and he asked where 'here' was. I lifted my hand and cleared his tears with my thumb. Then, I noticed a save point to the other side of him and quickly saved.

"Well, I was given an option of if I wanted to receive punishment. Turns out, our punishment is to try again as a second chance. Though I doubt this will be the same as last time....." I muttered the last part loud enough for him to hear me.

Seeing as he wasn't making any noise, I decided to continue. "The system told me that our basic necessities would be in my 'items' storage sooo....." I trailed off and opened up said storage as Chara crawled behind me so he could see from over my shoulder. In my inventory was:
A Key labelled as 'HoneyComb Inn/Apartment Room 402'
A pamphlet labelled 'Quirk World Information For Frisk and Chara'
Two Phones
& Six outfits of the same clothes they always wear (Three of Frisk's sweaters and Three of Chara's)

There also seemed to be an increase in her money. Now she had 5.8Billion yen.

Opening the pamphlet, they read everything about quirks, heroes and villains. They also found out that they were in Japan. It was a lot to take in.

"I guess we should find our new apartment and discuss more ther-" He was cut off when we heard the scream of a person nearby. Without thinking, we both ran towards the source in hopes of finding out what happened. As we ran through the trees, I noticed that we seemed to be in a sort of garden park. There didn't seem to be any signs so why weren't the flowers destroyed by the humans? Another scream filled my ears as I quickly got back to the task at hand.

(3rd POV)

Arriving at the scene, Frisk and Chara both noticed that there was a crowd forming. In front of the crowd were adults who seemed to be in cosplay. They were fighting against....... a flower? The flower seemed to have something in its vines; a child that seemed to be 6-8. Frisk faced a nearby person "What happened?" She's glad she decided to learn Japanese. Sighing, the passerby explained "The kid probably did something that upset the flower. Everyone here knows not to disturb the flowers, otherwise they attack and they're basically indestructible. The heroes' quirks don't even work on them. All we can do is wait until the flower loses energy while fighting the pros. That's how it's always been."

She thanked him for the information before pushing to the front of the crowd to get a good look at pros in action. There were only two at the scene. One was a man who had banana hair and seemed to be..... screaming? at the vines. The other was a black-haired insomniac with a grey scarf that he could control. Overall, both 12 year olds were disappointed with their power levels. They could easily defeat that golden flower. Especially after facing Flowey.

As if the flower actually had a brain and read their thoughts, vines rushed towards Frisk which caused the crowd to disperse. It was at times like this that the bland girl wished she was a ghost too.

Surprised at the sudden advance, the pros couldn't move in time and could only watch as the girl raised her arm, hand facing the incoming vine.

Just when everyone thought she was done for, the vine abruptly decreased its speed and laid on the palm of her hand. They all watched as she walked towards the big flower and pet its petals, successfully calming it down. It was mesmerising.

Still holding gently onto the vine, Frisk pointed at the trapped child with her other hand. As if on cue, the prison that surrounded the kid fell to the ground showing a trembling little boy.

Slowly approaching the still trembling kid, she crouched down right in front of him. Curious, the boy stop trembling and looked up only to see a close-eyed welcoming smile being directed at him. Wasting no time, he launched into her arms, looking for comfort and warmth.

Maybe this is what they were supposed to do in this world.

Maybe they were supposed to

Become Heroes



Yo! It's me again. Still bored out of my right mind. Future me, if you're reading this then feel free to cringe as much as you want.
Welp, I literally have nothing to say right now so yh.

Hope y'all are doing great today and if you're having a bad day/night, just remember that good and bad will almost always balance out.   Bai Bai~

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