Chapter 1- Forks

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Chapter 1 Forks

January 2005


I never wanted to move to that extremely rainy hell. I'm used to the bright sun, nasty, buggy, humid air, and the immense urban scrawl. I'd miss the towering buildings of great heights and a bustling city with a nightlife rivaled by cities across the country and around the world.

New Orleans is the only home that I have ever known— the place where my parents, Michael and Lilian Swan, found love and married each other, where I was born, where I had the best laughs and memories with my mom's dad, where I found the best friend a girl could ever ask for. My friends, family, and favorite things are in New Orleans. Everything I love about myself is here in the Big Easy.

But all of that is being taken away from me because my parents thought that I was "out of control." As they put it, they have finally found themselves tired of my "lies, late nights, and illegal activities." I think that it is very hypocritical of them. Every time I have needed any official government document, they have always had to run to their "document guy"— who also happens to be our family lawyer, Anita Howard-Johnson. The reason why we need a "document guy" is never given. I've come to assume that my parents, grandfather, and great aunts and uncles keep some massive secrets from me. I've read and heard enough crime and mystery books and shows to know that much. But every time I try to question some of their inconsistent lies, I'm ignored or given more lies.

It's why I started spending more time out of the house and with friends. Well, my one friend. I have a lot of acquaintances but only one real friend, Eleanor Jordan. She and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. She has lived next door to my family since we were young kids. Before I knew my name, I knew that Eleanor was my friend. She and her family were like my own and vice versa. We lied for each other as much as we fought others who had a problem with either of us. Eleanor and I are partners-in-crime, thick as thieves, inseparable.

Or so I thought.

If I had known that the club Eleanor and I would sneak into would be the last, I would have used my fake I.D (obtained from Anita, of course) to get a tattoo. Or at least get into a few more clubs with Eleanor. I would have danced more and worked up the courage to ask Anita's son, 19-year-old Maximilian Howard-Johnson, out on a date. He was at the club with his Xavier University of Louisiana buddies. Always the ever practical one, Mack was the designated driver while his Kappa Alpha Psi brothers drank and partied with any pretty girl that walked past them. Maximilian never told our parents when he saw us somewhere he knew Eleanor and I weren't supposed to be. Eleanor said it was because he had a crush on me. I said it was because we always lied for him growing up.

But now here I was, the night before I'd have to get on a flight to my own personal prison or hell— however one wanted to look at it.

I had been avoiding my family all day while I packed my life away. I could only take so much of my clothes with me— I'd have to buy a new, warmer closet anyway. I'm mostly deciding on what memorabilia and knickknacks I wanted to bring with me. I look up at my bedroom door as I hear two sets of footsteps coming toward my door— one light and airy, the other louder and not as graceful. The knock came only a few moments after the steps stopped outside of my door.

"Yes," I call out.

My mother's voice answers me. "Andrea, Eleanor is here to see you."

I run to fling my door open to see my best friend standing there with unshed tears in her eyes. "Uhuh, Ellie. Don't you start. Because if you do, then so will I."

"I can't help it," Eleanor said before coming into my room and wrapping her arms around my waist, flinging her overnight bag to the ground. At 4 foot 11, Eleanor's petite frame made me feel like a giant despite only being 5 feet 8.

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