Chapter 3- Near-Death Experiences

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Chapter 3 Near-Death Experiences

January 2005


By the time I'm dressed and waiting in the freezing rain, Bella is just coming out of the house. Charlie was late to work himself, which shocked me— from what my dad has said, Charlie never goes to work late. Charlie is there to help Bella up as she slips on the icy steps. I knew she would— Bella can trip over thin air. Ice doesn't make her incoordination any better.

"I want the both of you to be careful on the road today— they're pretty icy," Charlie says as he helps Bella to her truck. He gets into his police cruiser without another word. I just let out a huff as we finally get into the car, and Bella cranks up the heat.

There isn't much to talk about while we drive and once we park at school. Bella quickly hops out of the cab of the truck— probably to speak to her friends. I get out and jump into the truck's bed, leaning back against the car's rear panel. I pull out my Blackberry to call my dad, who works night shifts at Ochsner Baptist Hospital. He is usually home during the day while my mom is out working as a real estate agent. She loves to flip houses. I wonder why she never convinced Charlie to renovate his.

"Babygirl, what took you so long to call?" My dad's deep, soothing voice rings in my ears when he answers the call.

"I was busy, Daddy. It may have been my first day of school, but everyone else has been back for a month now. I gotta catch up," I say matter-of-factly. He just chuckles in response while I tell him about my first day. I watch as the Cullens park in what I can guess are their spots. Despite being in the best part of the parking lot, no one else had parked there. Terrified, I assume. I groan aloud when Jasper Hale gets out of the blue Mitsubishi. He wasn't the one driving it— Malachai was. He opened the door for little Alice Cullen before the two walked to class with Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale behind them (they had gotten out of what I assume is Edward Cullen's Volvo because he exits the driver's seat).

Jasper sends me a glare, and a wave of disgusts fills my chest.

"What's wrong, Andrea?" My dad asks when my groan becomes something of a growl. I see the quick flash of shock on Jasper's face before the cold indifference retakes place. It's almost as if he heard me from across the parking lot.

"Nothing, Daddy, just this stupid boy that doesn't seem to like me. His Butterfinger-having ass hit me with a basketball in Gym class, but you would have thought it was the other way around," I roll my eyes. Edward and Jasper lean against the Volvo, whispering to the other. I watch Bella stare at something on the back of the truck.

"That just means he likes you, Andy. You know guys are stupid," my dad laughs again, making me shake my head. "Besides, you're a lovely girl— you intimidate every guy who dares to speak to you."

"And as true as that may be, he's got a funny way of showing his feelings," I say before pausing. Should I bring it up? Is it even worth it? "Honestly, he and his entire family are super weird. No one talks to them— it's like they're outcasts. But they're insanely beautiful, Daddy. Kinda like how you and Ma and everyone are. They even have the same yellow eyes as Auntie Lilith, Chione, Uncle Rammon, Andres, and Grandpa Marduk. It's bizarre."

I stop, hoping that he will say something about it. "Andrea—"

I don't hear whatever cock and bull story my dad was going to make up because just that instant, a blue van came speeding around the corner into the parking lot. Whoever was driving hadn't slowed down enough for the turn, and his tires caught on the ice. He drifted out of control and headed right for the end of Bella's truck, where my cousin stood frozen in fear.

Hybrid (Twilight FanFiction) [REWRITE]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang