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"Hi mom, hi dad!" I cheerfully greeted my parents. I'm happy that I'm gonna be married to my crush hihi.

"Wow honey, you sleep well last night?" dad ask me while I'm going to seat at the chair.

"I'm happy" I said and smile widely. "Well, I know WHO made you happy" mom said with a teasing tone.

I just blush and took some rice and hotdog for breakfast. "Someone's blushing" I look at the doorway to see uncle grinning widely.

"Good morning uncle, auntie" I said to them and stand up. I hug the both of them then sat down again.

"Where's Suzy? She's not going to eat with us?" dad ask as he saw the two couple.

"Oh... she said she's going to have breakfast with Lalice" auntie said and smile.

I scoff, why didn't she tell me that she's going to my fiancé's house? "Someone's jealous I guess?" mom said and sent me a teasing smile.

"Don't worry Irene, she always does that when they are in Thailand and they really miss each other" uncle said to me.

"But why didn't she tell me that she's going to their mansion? I wanted to see Lisa" I said to them.

"Aww... look honey, our daughter is a grown up now" dad dramatically said and wiped his fake tears.

"And next week she's gonna be married and she won't live with us" mom said and wiped her tears.

Yah! Why is she crying? "Why are you crying?" auntie ask my mom.

"I'm going to miss my daughter you know, she won't live with us next week after the wedding" she said and I look at her weirdly.

Like they can surely visit me and I'll visit them here duh.

"Irene unnie!" I look at my back and smile when I saw my friends waving at me.

"Hey guys!" I said and wave back. I close my cars door and walk to their direction.

"Where's Lisa?" I ask them because Lisa usually go to school early. "Ohh... they aren't here yet?" I look at the right side and I saw Jennie with the boys.

"They aren't here yet Jen" Jisoo said to her. "Good morning girls" the boys said and smile at us.

"Good morning boys" we all said and smile back at them. "Maybe they are still teasing her" Jimin said and wiggle his eyebrow.

"Teasing? From what?" Wendy ask them. "Later you'll- nevermind" Suga cut himself off.

They are looking at the parking lot's entrance. I look at the entrance same goes with my friends when I saw a car and another one behind it.

 I look at the entrance same goes with my friends when I saw a car and another one behind it

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(This is the car)

(This is the car)

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