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I woke up from what I just dream off. Irene Bae and the nerd Lalisa Manoban is dating?

I don't even know if I had a chance on Irene Bae because everyone is trying to hit on her but Suho is the first one to success.

Guess she really like that guy, not gonna lie but I'm jealous as freak.

"Lisa" I heard a knock and a voice outside my room.... wait my room!? How did I end up here.

The door open revealing a girl. "If your wondering why are you inside your room, your mother pick you up in the hospital when she heard the news" she said.

"But I was at the school back then" I said to her. "Yeah I know, you passed out because of that punch" she said as she walk towards my direction.

"What did my mother said?" I ask her. I stand up from my seat to see my face that looks pale.

"Of course, she wanted you to agree on her" she said. I groan, I don't want that to happen.

"I won't, I can take care of this and I'll be careful next time" I said to her.

"If that's your choice then, we won't force you but your mother really, she wants that to happen" she said to me.

"Yeah, thanks Jeongyeon" I said to her. "You're always welcome Lalice" she said with a smile.

She then stood up from where she is sitting at and walk out of my room leaving me alone inside.

"That dream is really weird" I said to myself. My dream was about become Irene's lover.

I know it's weird but that's really what I've dream off.... I just don't know if that's really going to happen but I wish it will happen in real.

I got interrupted when my phone rang. I look who is the caller and it's Chaeng.

"Yah! Lalisa! How are you now monkey? We're so worried about you yesterday, I shouldn't ask unnie to come with me in the cafeteria" she said and her voice crack.

"I'm ok now and thank you for taking me at the hospital" I said to her.

"It's all on us Limario, after all, we left you there" I heard Jisoo unnie said from the other line.

"I'll come to school today" I said to them. I look at my wall clock and it says 11:30 in the morning, I have the time to prepare and I'll just attend on my afternoon period.

"No! Rest there monkey, we don't want you to be tired so just rest" she said but I shook my head as if she can see me.

"No and also, I have a report for today" I said to them as I walk inside my bathroom.

"Just rest ok? We'll call you later, bye monkey!" Chaeng said from the other line.

"Bye Lim" Jisoo unnie said and Chaeng hang up the call. Wow! They really hang up the call on me!?

I quickly went inside my shower and wash my body. After some minutes, I finish bathing and quickly go towards my closet to pick what would I wear.

"And where are you going young lady?" I got interrupted when that scary voice of a woman echoed around the hallway.

I turn around just to regret it because of her piercing gaze and dagger look towards me.

"I'm going to school.....?" I said more like a question. She sigh, she knew me too well that she knows she's always defeated by me.

She then walk towards my direction, I know that she always lose when it comes to me but heck!? She's really scary.

"I know that I won't change your mind, honey but when that people hurt you again, I won't let them this time" she said and hug me.

I hug her back, grateful that she's always here for me. "I promise to you mom, I won't let them hurt me again" I said to her.

"Why didn't you fight back? You're really good at karate, boxing and wrestling yet you'll lose on those brat kids" she said as she broke the hug.

"I can't mom, I have a title and I don't want them to feel ashamed because they didn't prove that I'm weak" I said to her and smile.

She just sigh, "But when that day really come, I won't hesitate, remember that Lalice" she said and I nod.

"I'll get going now mom, I love you" I said and kiss her on the cheeks. "I love you too honey" she said and kiss me on my forehead.

"I'm thankful on your friends, they really took care of you and please tell them that they shouldn't blame their selves on what happened on you" she said to me.

I giggle, so mom knows about blaming their selves. "I will tell it to them mom" I said and hug her again.

She then hug me again before I broke the hug. "I'll get going now mom, I have a report" I said as I wave my hand on her while walking away.

I walk out of the house to see the car that I always use when I'm going at the university.

I quickly went inside it and open my phone just to see that it's already 12 in the afternoon and I still hasn't eaten anything.

And I drove away from the house of ours, wanted to feel free for my whole existence. It's so nice to be out of the house.

I wish she didn't see or heard what happened on me yesterday? Was it yesterday? Don't know and I didn't remember really. What can I do for you to notice me Irene Bae?

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