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We're now here at the VIP room and I'm impress because the interior of the restaurant is really great.

I should come here with my parents when they have time, I needed to also talk to them about who really I am.

"Lisa, who's that?" Dahyun ask Lisa. They seem so close now that the hand out earlier.

"Ohh... that Sana, I hope the two of get close same with you all" she said as she at everyone of us.

"Lisa, I know that we've been friends for 2 years but... can you tell more about yourself?" Chaeyoung ask while fidgeting her fingers.

Lisa smile at her, I'm also curious because she's going to be my future lover so I need to listen to them.

"I'll tell you on the right time" she said and sat on the couch.

"Come, sit now" she said. I quickly sit beside her because I know that Nayeon and Joy will sit beside her.

"Hi Lisa" I said and wave at her. She smile shyly at me and said, "hi Ire-" I cut her off before she can continue to call me that.

"Don't call me unnie" I whine at her and she laugh. "Alright Ms. Bae" she said and I glare at her.

"Not that" I said whining at her. "What should I call you then?" she ask and throw me a confused look.

"How about.... baby?" I ask her. "W-what?" she shutter. I suddenly put my hand on my mouth and I saw her widen eyes.

Aishh! Stupid Irene! "I-i mean, y-you can call me J-joohyun.... yeah call me Joohyun" I said removing that topic.

I then look at my friends and they are smirking at me with Rosé and Jisoo.

Dahyun look confused, she didn't probably know what that means that'd why she's looking at us weirdly.

"Let's order now monkey, I'm hungry~" Jisoo said while rubbing her stomach.

"Alright" Lisa said and she press something under the table and the door open, revealing a waiter with foods.

"I already order for us" she said looking at them but not on me.

Yah! Can you notice me? Come on love, I know it's embarrassing but please notice me!

"Youn- I mean Ms. this is your order" one of the waiter said and give Lisa a plate full of- I don't know what food is that.

"This is also yours young- I mean Ms." the other waiter said and give Lisa another plate with desserts.

"Is that a caviar?" Wendy suddenly ask while pointing something on Lisa's plate.

It is! Wow! Is this how rich this restaurant is!? I just eat caviar twice a year and yet- this is insane.

"Yes maam, that caviar" one of the waiter politely answer Wendy.

"Daebak! Can I taste it?" Yeri ask and Lisa nod in respond. Yeri then get her spoon and get some of the caviar.

"Wow! That's delicious" Yeri exclaim. "Can I get caviar?" she ask the waiters.

The waiters is hesitant, they all look at Lisa like they are asking her for permission.

Huh? Why? I don't know why they are looking at her like that. Lisa nod at them and smile then they all walk out to probably get some caviar.

"Wow! I feel like I want to just live here" Joy exclaim. "Yeah right, I feel like I'm living on something that I look like a princess" Nayeon said.

Chaeyoung was about to say something when someone's phone rang.

I look at Lisa and she's getting her phone out. I released a grown when I saw 'Suzy🧡' on her phone.

"Hello Suzy?" she said with a smile. "I'm not yet home why?" she said with a frown.

"I'll go home later, I thought you won't sleep in my house today" I then raise my eyebrow.

Why would Suzy sleep at Lisa's house!? I should be the one who's sleeping on her house!? "Unnie, just do a move or Suzy will get Lisa away from you" Jisoo whisper to my ear.

"She have a crush on Lisa!?" Dahyun whisper-yelled. "Yes, I have" I told her the truth.

"Aren't Lisa and Suzy are together? I even saw them yesterday because I'm at Lisa's place, cuddling" she said.

My blood boil, I will tell Suzy what's mine so she better fuck off.

"But I know that they are just friends, I even heard Suzy talking to someone, maybe it was her boyfriend" Dahyun added.

She should be, I'm going to confront her on how can I get close to Lisa hihi. Wait for me my love, I'll do the first move.

"Guys, you all can stay here until 6pm because I know that your parents is finding you so I need to go" she said and hurriedly get her bag.

"Where are you going?" I ask as I cross my arms. "Joohyun, I really need to go now, I'm sorry if I can't hang out with all of you today, maybe next time?" she said as she send us an apologetic smile.

"It's ok, maybe it is really important" Seulgi said and pat Lisa's shoulder.

"Bye chipmunk" she said as she embrace Chaeyoung in a hug and kiss her cheeks.

"Bye chicken" she said as she do the same thing with Jisoo.

I'm jealous. She then was about to leave when she saw us looking at her.

"You also wanted some kiss and hug?" she ask that earn a nod from us. Of course! I wanted it.

"I ahh... I better go" she said and leave with Dahyun behind her. Geez! Can she just give me a kiss and and hug!?
Here's the update. Wait for more later hihi😁 Hope y'all like it and have a nice day everyone!!

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