"Me? "

I completed in amusement, holding back my laughter. His eyes went wide for a bit and he nodded sheepishly. I finally released a loud laughter that echoed through the kitchen.

"Yah.... "

Embarrassment was clear in his eyes and that fueled my laughter. I was surprised and fluttered. The way he pouted due to me making fun of him was super adorable. Getting to know my mate better was the best choice I've ever made. The guy never fails to surprise me, everything about him was damn interesting. And I seem to fall in love more and more.

Watching him cook was something that I honestly never dreamed of. I tried not to make my eyes wander, the fact that his muscular body was standing in front of me, exposing all the glory. When I was facing him in the room, I tried not to make my eyes wander on his chiseled abs. I really haven't stared because I'm always nervous he will notice and I'll be embarrassed.

But now, staring at strong his bare back, with the way his muscles reflex with every movement makes me regret my decision.

I could hear the numerous cusses he does , definitely finding the cooking difficult. Now that I was seeing him this way, I think I'm not hungry again.

I cupped my chin with both of my hands, releasing a breath as I made sure my gaze never left his back.


I inwardly jump, holding back a squeal as a loud voice screamed. I looked at Jungkook to find him already done with the cooking and stuffing the plate with the breakfast that Jin usually made. The way the pancakes looked made my stomach roar, yearning for it.

I groaned at my wolf who was yipping as though her life depended on it. That bitch scared the shit out of me.

. I swear to goddess Moon, I hate you and your lopsided acts which are so insane that you made my heart almost drop from my chest with it .

I hissed rapidly at her, hearing her growl in my head.

Mate mate mate!

Bish, is that all you see? You distracted something important here

I was angry at how she startled me. I swear my heart was still racing.

Oh busy with what?

She replies sluggishly and I growled at her

You were busy raping mate with your eyes, is that what you call important?

She snaps, inspecting her paws like the bitch she is.

I let out a low growl at her in reply

Well, I'm glad I distracted it. Mate probably needed a break

Suck it Moon I'm not in the mood

I replied, relaxing my body instantly


Jungkook called softly, hands on my shoulders. I looked to see his eyes fixed on me, staring at me worriedly

"What's wrong? Are you ok? "

I manage to smile a bit, nodding at him

"Your eyes are glowing and I called you for a while, you seemed to be in a daze "

He mumbled, sitting across me and placing to the food before me. I couldn't focus on aything but Moon's purring at seeing Jungkook, that made me stir in my seat. Jungkook sat across me, pushing the plate towards me. The plate was filled with pancakes, eggs and all sorts of deicious things that Seokjin makes
My mouth instantly watered and I grabbed the fork hastily, Jungkook setting a glass of water and juice beside me.

REJECTED BOND||J.JK✅Under Short Editing Where stories live. Discover now