Chapter 2: Flirting Montage

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(Your POV)
Despite going in the wrong direction, I decided to keep on walking to keep a good view on the sky outside the windows. The blue sky was dotted with fluffy clouds, which contradicted the black sun that shone over the city. I got so lost in the scenery I pulled a scroll out of my pocket and began painting the scenery in front of me. I started painting the horizon, which contained mountains, before drawing the cities towards the bottom of the scroll. I then shaded in the shadows to make the painting seem more realistic, followed by me painting the sky black. I made sun not to paint certain spots to indicate clouds, and I made sure to leave a black circle untouched to indicate the sun.

I was quite proud of my work before I heard a slight yip from behind me. After some time putting up with Miu's inventions, I learned to adapt quickly. So I managed to dash behind me and grab the source of the noise, which was a falling person in a lab coat. I caught the person by placing one arm underneath the shoulder and the other underneath the back of the knees. It wasn't until I was practically carrying her that I realized that I was actually holding Reine, who was wearing a teacher attire.

"Nice catch." Reine compliments as I quickly realized how closed Reine's face was to me, so I set her down and I didn't let her go until her heels were flat on the ground. "On the bright side, you're just the man I wanted to see."

"I'm sorry but why on Earth are you here?" I asked the girl, who blinked her tired eyes, sweet jeebus I need to get this girl a hibernation. "Last I checked you were with Kotori on that Star Wars ship?"

"I would be, but hiring a bunch of teenagers with trauma, one of which is nowhere to be found, was a bad idea." Reine sighs as she grabs my hand gently and starts walking down the hall. "So Kotori and I decided to go undercover."

"Wait, there's another one?" I asked the woman who turned her head to look at me. "Hey, it's a sensitive subject for them, I don't ask questions about my friends dying you know."

"His name is Kokichi Oma." Reine bluntly informs me, now that I mention it, I did hear Gonta and Miu mention that name when they were talking about something. "However, he's not important right now, right now you need practice."

"Practice?" I tilted my head in confusion as Reine turned her head back forward to make sure we didn't bump into anyone. "Practice doing what? I'm already a great painter, and I don't do anything else?"

"Well after running some tests on that power of yours and some spirits, I have discovered something incredibly important." Reine begins calmly, which made me raise an eyebrow. "You have a limit as to what you can seal, so the more wild a spirit's power is, the more unlikely they are to become sealed."

"So what's the point of bringing my friends into this?" I asked the woman, obviously not wanting any of them to get hurt again. "Frankly, this just sounds like my problem, not theirs."

"You see, sealing is like wrapping a blanket around a wet dog." Reine explained, which I suppose is a good analogy. "The more wild the dog is, the harder it is to seal. So we either need to calm the dog or get a larger blanket."

"Unfortunately, I don't think my powers can increase." I rubbed the back of my neck shamefully as me and Reine reached the physics room door. "I think this is about how strong they're gonna get, but I can still improve at using them."

That's good to hear." Reine commented as she opened the door and gestured to me to go inside. "Let's go, Commander is waiting."

"Alright, but you're getting a vacation and you're gonna spend it on rest!" I entered the room and pointed my finger at Reine who followed me close behind and closed the door behind us, leaving us in a dark room. "Wait, did I really just follow someone I just met into a dark room? Serial killers would have loved me."

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