Chapter 19: Twins of the Storm

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(Your POV)
After our flight, all of us went to the museum because our bags were being moved to the hotel by staff. To get there we had to walk because, due to the last minute nature of this trip, we couldn't get any cars or taxis to drive us. Still, the scenery was beautiful enough for me to consider painting a painting of this area. Korekiyo was going off on the culture of this town but none of us were listening since we were busy doing our own things. Tohka was excitedly following me close behind while Kurumi spectated the two of us with a 'mature aura'. However, things were cut short when a typhoon suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The intensity was so bad that Tohka, and I got separated from the rest of our group. The reason for us getting separated was because wind kept on blowing things at us, and we were forced to take cover, resulting in the five of us losing the rest of our group.

We decided to take cover at a nearby bus station, but as we walked over there, Tohka was suddenly hit in the head by a flying trash can. I always did say it's trash CAN, not trash CAN'T, but this is not what I meant. I caught Tohka before she hit the ground and began carrying her on my back. I'm not sure if I'm weak or Tohka's just heavy, but I was struggling to carry her. Every step I took felt like a massive pain in the ass, so I looked up into the air to scream at whatever god was with me, but I stopped myself. Above me I saw two girls fighting one another. This was supposed to be a relaxing vacation, so I'm having none of this.

"HEY!" I shouted to get the two girls' attention, but it was futile, so I shouted again. "WILL YOU TWO STOP FIGHTING SO WE CAN TALK?!"

"Hey, Yuzuru, I propose a new challenge." One of the girls talked to the girl with the long braid. "We haven't done a contest in 'charm' yet, have we?"

 "We haven't done a contest in 'charm' yet, have we?"

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"No we haven't, Kaguya." Yuzuru (the one on the right) spoke in a robot-like manner, completely different from her excitable sister. "What are you suggesting?"

"I say we try to seduce that boy there!" Kaguya (the one on the left) pointed her finger at me, who was completely dumbfounded by this, I just wanted to talk to them.

"WHERE IN MY SENTENCE DID I SAY 'SEDUCE ME'?" I demand to know how this girl arrived at that conclusion, they don't even know my name yet. "ALL THAT I ASKED IS IF WE COULD TALK!"

"Why are you screaming?" Yuzuru asked, as if the answer wasn't obvious, the strong wind made it hard to hear. "Maybe we should stop the typhoon."

With that said, the storm began slowly disappearing, allowing Kaguya and Yuzuru to explain that they're constantly competing with one another so one of them can become the true Yamai. So far the score was 25 for Yuzuru, 25 for Kaguya, and 49 draws. As for why they're competing, they used to be one spirit before the spirit known as Yamai separated herself. Now Kaguya and Yuzuru are competing to become the true Yamai, which seems counterintuitive but who am I to judge? Once they finished their explanation, I took out my phone and showed them a selfie showing Miu, myself, Kiibo, and Kokichi, with Kokichi photobombing. I explained to them that Miu's uniform was standard, so if they want to hang out with me for the day, they're gonna need to adjust their astral dresses to look like the summer uniform. Once they finished changing the appearance of the astral dresses, I began adjusting their dresses, because they thought Miu's gyaru-like style was mandatory. I sighed after I finished adjusting their uniforms to look more proper, and just then, I got a text message.

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