Chapter 15: Reunion

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(Your POV)
I was currently sitting awkwardly in an interrogation room in a steel chair, at a steel table, in front of some girl giving me a steel glare. That random girl was none other than Maki, and she stood next to Shuichi and Himiko. My earpiece was out and on the table, so I was basically forced to confess as to why I have an earpiece in the first place. It's not like I can just tell them about spirits, Ratatoskr, and the AST. Plus my friends were eerily quiet the entire time, and they weren't responding to anything I sent them, so I'm on my own here.

"So (Y/N), why do you have an earpiece?" Maki asked, and I was pretty much scared shitless of her and her knife.

"As a painter, I get many requests to do artwork for buildings, so I connected that to my phone to make it easier to manage calls." I answered without missing a beat, making Shuichi raise an eyebrow.

"This is clearly some high tech, and no modern painter should be able to afford this." Shuichi examines the earpiece. "For some reason, this reminds of a narcissistic friend I used to know."

"Tell me their name, maybe I know them?" I was desperate to change the subject so I can come up with a lie as a cover story.

"Even if I told you, she's long gone, so there's no point in telling you." Shuichi mentioned, and I felt kind of sorry for him. "Back to the subject at hand, where did you get this earpiece?"

"My friend gave it to me." I decided to settle for a white lie, causing Maki to stab the table with her knife, which did have a red handle that complimented her eyes.

"We aren't here to play games!" Maki shouted, and I wanted to break down crying right there on the spot. "People are out there dying, and any information you have could prevent that, so spill it before I decide to spill your guts."

"Maki, relax." Shuichi calmed the dark haired girl down by rubbing her back. "Sorry about that, it's just that we take care of murder cases because we had to put up with them a while ago thanks to a game. We managed to get out of the game, but our friends weren't so lucky."

"I understand, but there is some information I'd like to keep secret from the public." I tried being reasonable. "If you can promise me to keep a secret, then I'll tell you all I know."

With that, Shuichi agreed and I told all three of them about Amaterasu, The Circle, Ratatoskr, and spirits. I didn't mention any names just in case these people start snitching, but to my surprise, they understood everything almost instantly. The girl named Himiko even knew some real magic, but it did require some items for some reason. I explained the case about Kurumi in more detail than the other two, mostly because Kurumi is the most dangerous out of the three spirits I've encountered so far.

"Thank you for telling us everything." Shuichi thanked me as he finished writing everything down. "I'm sure all of this will be helpful for the future."

"No problem." I commented before I heard the sound of doors either being slammed open or just torn from their hinges. "Hey, do you guys hear that?"

"What's that noise?" Himiko asked as Maki picked up her knife, and then a familiar gentle giant burst through the room's only door.













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